Genshin Impact 4.7 Details and Patch Notes - Genshin Impact Guide - IGN (2025)


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Version 4.7 of Genshin Impact has arrived, bringing with it the debut of new character Banners, story content, weapons, and more!

This page acts as a comprehensive breakdown of Version 4.7 within Genshin Impact, including a link to the full Patch Notes.

4.7 Character Banners

The Banners for both 4.7 phases are as follows:


4.7 Phase 1 Character Banner
Clorinde (5-Star - Electro)Alhaitham (5-Star - Dendro)
4-Star Character(s)
Sethos (4-Star)

4.7 Phase 2 Banner

4.7 Phase 2 Character Banner
Sigewinne (5-Star - Hydro)Furina (5-Star - Hydro)
4-Star Character(s)

4.7 New Weapons

The signature weapons for Clorinde and Sigewinne will appear as the featured 5-Star weapons in Phase 1 and Phase 2 respectively, and are as follows:

  • Absolution (Sword) - Phase 1
  • Silvershower Heartstring (Bow) - Phase 2

4.7 New Story Quests

The new Archon Quest for 4.7 is titled "Bedtime Story", and will be the sixth act in Chapter 4 of the Archon Quests in the game, though not much additional information is available at this time.

Alongside this, you'll have a story quest for both Clorinde and Sigewinne!


4.7 Events

Various events will take place throughout 4.7's runtime, including but limited to:

  • Imaginarium Theatre
    • Permanent mode for players at Adventure Rank 35 and above
  • Mutual Security Enhancing Simulation
  • Leyline Overflow
  • Endless Forms Most Marshall
  • Record of Reflective Writing
  • Spino Doubleblaster

4.7 Patch Notes

New Characters

  • 5-Star Character "Candlebearer, Shadowhunter" Clorinde (Electro)
    • Vision: Electro
    • Weapon: Sword
    • Elemental Skill: Hunter's Vigil
      • Preparing her pistolet, she enters the "Night Vigil" state. In this state, Clorinde's Normal Attacks will be transformed into "Swift Hunt" pistolet attacks that help accumulate her Bond of Life, and her Elemental Skill will be transformed into "Impale the Night" that clears her Bond of Life and heals her while performing a lunging attack. When her Bond of Life is relatively low, "Swift Hunt" pistolet attacks will be able to pierce opponents. When her Bond of Life is relatively high, the AoE and the DMG dealt by "Impale the Night" will be increased.
    • Elemental Burst: Last Lightfall
      • Grants herself a Bond of Life before swiftly evading and striking with saber and sidearm as one, dealing AoE Electro DMG
  • 5-Star Character "Wondrous Dragonheir" Sigewinne (Hydro)
    • Vision: Hydro
    • Weapon: Bow
      • After fully charging her Aimed Shot, Sigewinne will periodically fire slow-moving Mini-Stration Bubbles toward the target, dealing Hydro DMG.
    • Elemental Skill: Rebound Hydrotherapy
      • Hold to blow a Bolstering Bubblebalm that bounces between nearby opponents and imprisons weaker opponents, dealing Hydro DMG. When it bounces, it will restore HP to all nearby party members except Sigewinne herself. When the Bolstering Bubblebalm disappears, it will restore HP to Sigewinne. In addition, Sourcewater Droplets will be created near Sigewinne when she uses this Skill. Each Sourcewater Droplet Sigewinne collects will grant her a Bond of Life. When Sigewinne's Bond of Life is cleared, she regains Elemental Energy based on the amount of Bond of Life that was cleared.
    • Elemental Burst: Super Saturated Syringing
      • Takes out a special Fortress of Meropide-made syringe and assault the area in front with waves of kindness and medicine, dealing AoE Hydro DMG. In addition, Sigewinne absorbs nearby Sourcewater Droplets when she uses this skill
  • 4-Star Character "Wisdom's Measure" Sethos (Electro)
    • Vision: Electro
    • Weapon: Bow
      • Sethos can fire off special Aimed Shots that can be charged up to Charge Level 2. At Charge Level 2, Sethos cannot move around, but can fire off a powerful Shadowpiercing Shot which can pierce enemies, dealing Electro DMG to enemies along its path.
    • Elemental Skill: Ancient Rite: The Thundering Sands
      • Gathers the might of thunder, dealing AoE Electro DMG and quickly retreating. If this attack triggers an Electro-related reaction, Sethos recovers a certain amount of Elemental Energy.
    • Elemental Burst: Secret Rite: Twilight Shadowpiercer
      • Perform a secret rite, entering the "Twilight Meditation" state, during which Sethos's Normal Attacks will be converted into enemy-piercing Dusk Bolts: Deal Electro DMG to opponents in its path, with DMG increased based on Sethos's Elemental Mastery. DMG dealt by Dusk Bolts is considered Charged Attack DMG.
    • Sethos's Passive Talent "Black Kite's Enigma" allows Sethos to decrease the the charging time when aiming based on Sethos's current Elemental Energy and consume a certain amount of Elemental Energy when the arrow is fired

New Equipment

  • Absolution (5-Star Sword)
    • CRIT DMG increased by 20%. Increasing the value of a Bond of Life increases the DMG the equipping character deals by 16% for 6s. Max 3 stacks.
  • Silvershower Heartstrings (5-Star Bow)
    • The equipping character can gain the Remedy effect. When they possess 1/2/3 Remedy stacks, Max HP will increase by 12%/24%/40%. 1 stack may be gained when the following conditions are met: 1 stack for 25s when using an Elemental Skill; 1 stack for 25s when the value of a Bond of Life value increases; 1 stack for 20s for performing healing. Stacks can still be triggered when the equipping character is not on the field. Each stack's duration is counted independently. In addition, when 3 stacks are active, Elemental Burst CRIT Rate will be increased by 28%. This effect will be canceled 4s after falling under 3 stacks
  • Cloudforged (4-Star Bow)
    • After Elemental Energy is decreased, the equipping character's Elemental Mastery will increase by 40 for 18s. Max 2 stacks

New Story Quests

  • New Archon Quest
    • Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act VI "Bedtime Story"
    • Permanently available after the Version 4.7 update
    • Quest Unlock Criteria:
      • Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above
      • Complete Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act V "Masquerade of the Guilty"
      • The "Focused Experience Mode" function is available for this quest
  • New Story Quests
    • Clorinde's Story Quest - Rapperia Chapter: Act I "Silent Night"
    • Permanently available after the Version 4.7 update
    • Quest Unlock Criteria:
      • Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above
      • Complete Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act V "Masquerade of the Guilty"
      • Complete Furina's Story Quest - Animula Choragi Chapter: Act I "The Little Oceanid"
      • The "Focused Experience Mode" function is available for this quest
    • Sigewinne's Story Quest - Nereides Chapter: Act I "The Warmth of Lies"
    • Permanently available after 2024/06/25 18:00
    • Quest Unlock Criteria:
      • Reach Adventure Rank 40 or above
      • Complete Archon Quest Chapter IV: Act V "Masquerade of the Guilty"
      • Complete Neuvillette's Story Quest - Diluvies Chapter: Act I "The Remains of the Past Day"
      • The "Focused Experience Mode" function is available for this quest

New Gameplay

  • Imaginarium Theater
    • In this new gameplay, according to the selected difficulty level, you need to select multiple characters to form a party and complete multiple combat stages.
    • Each season of "Imaginarium Theater" will feature three specific elements. Characters that meet the Elemental and Level requirements can be selected.
    • In addition, each season of "Imaginarium Theater" will feature certain selectable characters that do not need to meet the Elemental requirements for the corresponding season. Apart from your own characters, you can also choose from trial characters and characters provided by your friends
    • Unlock Criteria
      • Reach Adventure Rank 35 or above
      • Complete the World Quest "Unbegun, Unending Story"


Adjustments & Optimizations

  • Spiral Abyss
    • Adds the "View Character" button on the Select Character interface.
    • When you press to exit a challenge, the pop-up window will now be replaced by a pause interface. Related buttons and prompts have been optimized too.
    • Adds buttons for abandoning challenge progress for the current floor and re-configuring party composition via both the "Challenge Failed" interface and the mid-challenge pause interface.
    • Optimizes the logic of clearing filters after using the filter function on the Select Character interface.
    • Adds a description of the refresh rules for "Benediction of the Abyss" under Description
  • Inventory Interface
    • Increases the stack limit of Forging Ore, Character EXP Materials, and Artifact Enhancement Materials from 9,999 to 99,999; and also increases the stack limit of Cooking Ingredients from 2,000 to 9,999.
    • Optimizes the Artifact sorting logic after selecting three options under "Sort by Affix" within the Artifacts tabs of the Inventory and Character interfaces.
    • Optimizes the sorting logic for Character and Weapon Enhancement Materials in the Inventory > Character Development Items interface. Materials dropped by Elite Opponents will now appear at the top, and materials dropped by Normal Opponents at the bottom
  • Enemies
    • Adjusts the combat logic for Specters: For instance, in certain scenarios such as at the edge of a cliff, if there was a Specter at the bottom of the cliff, it would attack characters after they moved a certain distance away
  • System
    • The Adventure Rank required to unlock "Adventure Encounters" has been lowered from 35 to 24.
    • Adds the "Recommended Stats" feature in Fast Equip Artifacts > Custom Configuration. This feature will automatically fill in recommended sets and attributes based on data from active players in the game.
    • Adds an Auto Focus feature for "Background blur" under Paimon Menu > Take Photo.
    • Increases the in-game Friends cap to 100.
    • After the version update, progress for downloading update packages for new versions, integrating update packages, downloading resources, and other operations will be displayed in the same progress bar on mobile devices.
    • Adjusts the logic when pressing certain buttons simultaneously when the Keyboard and Mouse control type is selected: Taking the default buttons as an example, when characters are moving underwater, pressing the Left Ctrl and F buttons simultaneously now supports both moving downwards and interacting with things at the same time.
    • If you previously made any changes in "Settings > Controls" before the version update and would like to experience the new control logic, please restore the default settings after the update. The new control logic would take effect and you can then make any changes required once again

Full Patch Notes

If you wish to read the Patch Notes in full, you can do so via the official HoYoLab websites 4.7 Patch Notes blog post.

Up Next: Genshin Impact 4.6 Details and Patch Notes

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Genshin Impact 4.7 Details and Patch Notes - Genshin Impact Guide - IGN (1)

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Genshin Impact 4.7 Details and Patch Notes - Genshin Impact Guide - IGN (2025)


What is the 4.7 QOL update for Genshin? ›

Genshin Impact Version 4.7 Quality-of-Life Changes

The inventory limit for Character EXP Materials, Artifact Enhancement Materials, and Forging Ores will be raised to 99,999. The cap of in-game friends will be increased to 100.

How long will the 4.7 update take in Genshin Impact? ›

Genshin Impact 4.7 was released on June 5, 2024, following its usual six-week release pattern. What is this? Keep in mind, as with previous version updates, a server maintenance that usually takes up to 6-7 hours from the server reset takes place before Travelers can play Version 4.7!

What is the Genshin update 4.7 leak? ›

Version 4.7 in Genshin Impact will bring new content on June 5, with three new playable characters. A leak has revealed Aether and Lumine in cooking and medicine costumes for an upcoming event tied to Fontaine characters.

How big is Genshin 4.7 patch? ›

The size of the pre-installation resource package will be between 19–25 GB. After the version update, the total file size on PC is estimated to increase by 2–4 GB compared to Version 4.6.

What is the 4.7 feature in Genshin? ›

Other Genshin Impact 4.7 quality of life tweaks include: Increase the friends cap from 60 to 100. Increase Original Resin cap from 160 to 200. Added a recommended stats feature when equipping artifacts.

Why is the latest Genshin update so big? ›

In this update, the logic of some game files have been adjusted to optimize the gaming experience, meaning that the pre-installation and update process will require a large amount of space. Once the update is complete, the game file size may be smaller compared to the size before pre-installation.

What 4 stars will be on 4.7 banners? ›

Starting on June 5, 2024, with update 4.7's launch, you'll be able to call upon the following characters: Banner #1: Clorinde (5-Star character, Electro, sword), Sethos (4-Star character, Electro, bow), Bennett (4-Star character, Pyro, sword), and Thoma (4-Star character, Pyro, polearm)

Is Clorinde a 5-star? ›

Clorinde is a 5-Star Electro character who debuted in Genshin Impact during version 4.7. While Clorinde is featured as the boosted 5-Star character on her Illuminating Lightning Banner in version 4.7, she will eventually return to Genshin Impact at some point in the future when the Banner schedule cycles back to her.

Will Sigewinne be bad? ›

Sigewinne's passive talents are, in my opinion, quite useful. After using her skill she will give boost the elemental skill damage of off-field party members - this gives her amazing synergy with Furina!

How many Primogems for 90 Wishes? ›

Considering other sources like exploration and events, we can get at most 2500 per month. Now, we need 14400 primogems to get 90 wishes( including pity).

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Dainsleif is an upcoming playable character from Khaenri'ah in Genshin Impact.

What are the 4.7 new weapons in Genshin? ›

4.7 New Weapons

The signature weapons for Clorinde and Sigewinne will appear as the featured 5-Star weapons in Phase 1 and Phase 2 respectively, and are as follows: Absolution (Sword) - Phase 1. Silvershower Heartstring (Bow) - Phase 2.

What is QoL in Genshin Impact? ›

Genshin Impact Version 4.6 brings new area, bosses, and character Arlecchino. Quality-of-life updates make gameplay smoother for all players. Focused Experience Mode lets players skip side quests to focus on main story.

What is the quality of life update for Genshin Impact? ›

Genshin Impact 4.8 to Bring Faster Boss Respawn Time & More QoL Updates. Genshin Impact 4.8 will add a ton of great QoL changes to the game that players have been asking for years. From the 4.8 version onwards, players will now be able to change the World Level in the game from World 3 onwards.

What are the banners in Genshin 4.7 Phase 2? ›

Meanwhile, the Phase 2 banners in Version 4.7 are Sigewinne's debut banner, and Furina's banner rerun. Phase 2 immediately starts right after Phase 1 on June 25, 2024 and will last until July 16, 2024! The 4-stars of Version 4.7 Phase 2 are Gaming, Noelle, and Rosaria, which are available all throughout Phase 2!

What is the latest version update for Genshin Impact? ›

The Latest Version of Genshin Impact is 4.8, featuring the release of Emilie!

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