TUESDAY EVENING, JAN. 11 SOUTH BEND TRIBUNE Movies TKids fSports Talk NBC The Ellen DeGeneres Show NewsCen- NewsCen- NewsCen- NBC Nightly Access Inside The Biggest Loser The teams face their first challenges. Parenthood "Meet the New News WNDII (N)3 (cc) ter 1 6 at 5 ter ter 16-6 News (N) 3 Hollyw'd Edition (N) 4 (CC) Boss Adam worries about News Tonight Extra 4 News News (CC) News Access his job. (N) 4 (CC) Show With 15 WMAU Hollywood Jay Leno 5 cbs 6 The Oprah Winfrey WSBT News News CBS Evening Wheel of J'pardy! NCIS "Ships in the Night" A NCIS: Los Angeles "Over- The Good Wife "Breaking News 6 WSBT Show4 (CC) News at 5 A JdgJudy A News News With Fortune A Entertain-Marine is murdered on a din-watch" A body is stolen from Up" Alicia faces a tough deci- A News ShowWith wrdu A Dr. Phil 4 (CC) A Judge Katie Couric A News merit Ton.
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dinary Brother" Jim's brother and Anna face off. (N) 5 An assistant prosecutor is Insider Nightline 3 uie lnside Jeopardy! ABC7 Diane Sawyer ABC7 Wheel makes a discovery. (N) 4 (CC) killed. (N) 5 (CC) ABC7 (:35) WLb Edition 4 (N)3 News (N) (N) News(N) (CC) News Nightline 3 fox Are You Are You The Dr. Oz Show 4 (CC) The Family TwoHalf Twoand Glee "Duets" Finn and (:01) Million Dollar Money News(N) The Of- The Of W3.IV Smarter? Smarter Than Simpsons Guy 5 (CC) Men Half Men Rachel plan to help Sam win.
Drop Competing for $1 mil- Fox Chicago News at fice (CC) fice WFin 9 5thGrad- The TMZ(N) Simpson Office 5 (CC) lion. (N) 4 (CC) Nine(N) The Of- The wi-lu Snow ef? 4 Simpsons 4 (CC) fice 4 (CC) Simpsons Across Indi- Indiana Week Inside Indiana Business 3 Indiana Courts (CC) PBS NewsHour (N) (CC) NOVA Scientists in Haiti and Frontline "Battle for Haiti (N) Independent Lens "Children Charlie Rose (N) (CC) PBS WNIT 3 (CC) Chile. 4 4 (CC) of Haiti" 4 My Name Is My Name Is The King of IThe King of Friends 5 I Friends 5 Howl Howl One Tree Hill "Luck Be a Life Unexpected "Stand Tak- Seinfeld 4 I Seinfeld 4 Everybody- lEverybody-9 WCWW earls Earls Queens Queens (CC) (CC) MetMother MetMother Lady" 4 (CC) en" 5 (CC) (CC) (CC) Raymond Raymond wgn-a 3 I Dream Be- a Cheers a Cheers DharmaS Home Family New The New How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine (N) (CC) a Scrubs Scrubs Ci cable Jeannie witched 3 Who Who DharmaGreg Greg "Death Videos Guy 5 (CC) AdWOId Adventures Life Un Your Mother 5 (CC) 5 i TneTyra (cc) WantsMil- WantsMil- Evening and Violins" TwoHalf Christine of Old Chris- 5 (CC) Family Two and a local Snow lionaire lionaire News 4 Men One Tree tine 4 Guy 5 (CC) Half Men 5 WHME Rifleman Fim.Ties Flying Nun Gidget Hogan My 3 Sons The Harvest Show Five Hour Special 3 WMYS Little House on Prairie Griffith Griffith Funniest Home Videos LvricsJLyjfcs LvrjcsJLyjjjcs ChrjsJChrjs ftwisJBrowns Criminal Minds "Extreme Bounty Bounty The First 48 Homicide of a The First 48 "Better Days; The First 48 A popular The First 48 A brutal beating The First 48 5 (CC) The First 48 A man is con-Aggressor" 4 Hunter Hunter cabdriver. 5 (CC) Wildflower" 5 teenager is gunned. 5 death.
5 (CC) victed of murder. 5 (3:30) Wild Bill (1995, Western) Jeff Quick and the Dead (1995, Western) Sharon Stone. Cowgirl seeks Upon a Time in Mexico (2003, Action) Antonio Upon a Time in Mexico (2003, Action) Antonio Bridges, Ellen Barkin. 'R' (CC) revenge on outlaw in Redemption. 'R' Banderas, Salma Hayek.
Premiere. 'R' Banderas, Salma Hayek. 'R' anpl Wild Recon "Bitten" 5 Wild Recon (CC) Wild Recon 4 (CC) Weird I Weird 1 1, Predator (N) 4 HumanPrey (CC) Maneaters- (CC) II, Predator 4 bet The Game The Game The Game TheGame 106 Park: BEFs Top 10 Live Madea's Family Reunion (2006) Tyler Perry. (CC) The Game 5 (CC) Together Mo'Nique bravo Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker Matchmaker The Fashion Show 5 Matchmaker cm (330) of Fury (2007) Tosh.O "Scrubs 4 Scrubs Daily Show Colbert Daniel Tosh: Serious Tosh.O Tosh.O Tosh.O Onion Daily Show Colbert cnbc Closing Bell-Bartiromo Fast Money (N) Mad Money (N) The Kudlow Report (N) Trash Inc: The 60 Minutes on CNBC 60 Minutes on CNBC Mad Money cnn (3:00) Newsroom (N) The Situation Room With Wolf Blitzer (N) John King, USA (N) Parker Spitzer (N) Larry King Live 4 (CC) Anderson Cooper 360 4 (CC) disc American Chopper 4 Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab Cash Cab Dirty Jobs- (CC) Dirty Jobs 4 (CC) Dirty Jobs (N) 4 (CC) Auction I Auction I Dirty Jobs- (CC) SonnyWithalSonnyWitha Sonny With a Sonny With a Fish Hooks Hannah For- Good Luck I Good Luck Shake it Upl I Shake it Upl Sonny Withal Suite Life on Phineasand Phineasand Good Luck I Good Luck Chance Chance Chance Chance 3 ever Charlie 3 Charlie 3 3 (CC) 3 (CC) Chance Deck Ferb 3 Ferb 3 Charlie 3 Charlie 3 50 Most Insane Celebrity Oops 4 The Soup Fashion News (N) Sex City Sex City Bridalplasty 5 Kendra 5 Kendra 5 Chelsea News That '70s I That 70s IGilmore Girls 4 (CC) Still Standing Still Standing Still Standing! Remember the Titans (2000) Denzel Washington. A black man coach- America's Funniest Home The 700 Club 4 (CC) Show 5 Show 5 4 (CC) 4 (CC) 4 (CC) es high-school football after integration.
Videos Babies. 3 food Cooking Giada Contessa Home Paula 30-Minute Cakes Best Thing Challenge Cupcake Wars (N) Chopped (N) Cakes Cakes fxnews Your World WCavuto Glenn Beck (N) Special Report FOX Report The O'Reilly Factor (N) Hannity(N) Greta Van Susteren The O'Reilly Factor fx X-Men: The Last Stand Two Men TwoMen Two Men Two Men Iron Man (2008) Robert Downey Terrence Howard. Premiere. Lights Out "Pilot" 6 Lights Out "Pilot" 6 Little House on the Prairie Little House on the Prairie Who's the Who's the Who's the Who's the Little House on the Prairie Front of the Class (2008, Docudrama) Patricia Heaton, Golden Girls Golden Girls "Stone Soup" 3 "The Legacy" 3 Boss? 3 Boss? 4 Boss? 3 Boss? 3 3 (CC) Treat Williams, Jimmy Wolk. 4 (CC) hgtv Color I Color Buck Buck "income Designed Hunters House First Place First Place House Hunters I House Hunters Property Property hist Time Machine 4 (CC) Everyday History Tech It to the Max Modern History Top Gear 4 Top Gear 4 Ax Men 4 (CC) Modern Marvels 4 (CC) Unsolved Mysteries 4 Unsolved Mysteries 5 Old Christine I Old Christine Howl Howl Reba 4 (CC) Reba 4 (CC) Wife Swap "BeauvaisClay- Wife Swap "HodgeKolpin" Howl Howl (CC) (CC) I MetMother MetMother ton" 4 (CC) 4 (CC) MetMother MetMother msnbc Dylan Ratigan Hardball Matthews The Ed Show Hardball Matthews Countdown Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word Countdown mtv MTV Special MTV Special MTV Special Sucker Free MTV Special MTV Special MTV Special If You Really Knew Me nick Victorious iCarly Sponge.
Sponge. Sponge. ICarly 3 Anubis Sponge. My Wife My Wife Chris Chris George George My Wife My Wife oxy America's Next Model America's Next Model America's Next Model America's Next Model The Bad Girls Club 5 Queens of Comedy (CC) The Queens of Comedy spike Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Ways Die Permanent MANswers syfy Green Hrn. Green Hm.
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Green Hm. Green Hrn. Green Hrn. Green Hrn. Green Hrn.
Green Hm. Green Hrn. Requiem Requiem Friends 4 Friends 4 Everybody- Everybody- The King of The King of Seinfeld 3 Seinfeld 3 Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Family Guy Glory Daze "Hit Me With Your Conan (N) 5 (CC) (CC) Raymond Raymond Queens Queens (CC) (CC) 5 (CC) 5 (CC) 5 (CC) 5 (CC) Test Shot" 5 (3:45) Come Live With (:15) FatherTakes a Wife (1941) Adolphe (:45) Honeymoon for Three (1941, Com- Thicker-Wa- Laurel Laurel and Live Ghost Laurel and IGoing Bye Oliver the I Laurel and TCM Me (1941) (CC) Menjou. (CC) edy) Ann Sheridan. (CC) Hardy Hardy Hardy Bye Eighth Hardy tlc Wedding Say Yes Say Yes Say Yes Ultimate Cake Off 4 What Not to Wear 4 What Not to Wear 4 What Not to Wear (N) 4 8 Royal Weddings What Not to Wear 4 Law Order Woman on life Law Order "Boy on Fire" Law Order "Caviar Emptor" The Patriot (2000, War) Mel Gibson, Heath Ledger.
A man and his son fight side by Southland Sammy and Nate Memphis Beat Dwight tries support.5 5 (CC)(DVS) 5 (CC) (DVS) side in the Revolutionary War. (CC) (DVS) feel threatened. 6 to help Alex. 5 toon Courage Dog Johnny Johnny 6TEEN Total Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over (2003) King of Hill King of Hill Amer.Dad Amer, Dad Family Guy Family Guy travel Uniq McDonald No Reservation Bizarre Foods Man, Food Man, Food Mysteries-Museum Mysteries-Museum Ghost Adventures 4 Ghost Adventures 5 trutv Most Shocking 5 Most Shocking 5 Police Video Cops 5 Cops 5 Worked Worked Pawn IPawn Pawn Pawn Forensic Forensic tvl Griffith Griffith GoodTime Jeff er sons All-Family All-Family Sanford Sanford Sanford Sanford Raymond Raymond Everybody-Raymond Raymond Roseanne uni El Gordo la Flaca 4 Primer Impacto (N) Alma Notic Llena de Amor (N) (SS) Eva Luna (N) (SS) Triunfo del Amor (N) Aquiy Ahora(N) (SS) Impacto Noticiero usa Law Order: SVU Law Order: SVU Law Order: SVU Law Order: SVU Law Order: SVU Law Order: SVU Law Order: SVU Next Friday (2000) vhi Behind the Music 5 Behind the Music T.I. 5 Celebrity Rehab, Drew The Life 4 You're Cut Off 5 Basketball Wives 5 Basketball Wives 5 ftandjchjlj Tsc- NBAasiwtbaTCeTroiislonsTS Women's College Basketball BljNHUfockeyapieTSsTthaTks" espn NFL Live Jim Rome Around Pardon SportsCenter (CC) College Basketball Wisconsin at Michigan State.
College Basketball Florida at Tennessee. (Live) SportsCenter (CC) espn2 SportsNation (CC) Football Around Nation Pardon College Basketball Texas at Texas Tech. (Live) NBA Coast to Coast (Live) (CC) Quarterback Kick-Off golf Haney Haney Haney Haney GolfC'tral Haney Haney Inside PGA Haney Haney Haney Pipe Haney Pipe Golf C'tral Inside PGA Page 10 January 9, 2011 TV Tribune.