The Daily Item from Port Chester, New York (2024)

Gannett Friday, Westchester July 6, 1984 Newspapers Section PC Fendler outkicks pack, seals long long-awaited win 43:35 to seal the overall female title. Port Chester's Sally Ingenhoff was second in 43:55. "It's an odd feeling," said a smiling Fendler. "I've been running in local tournaments for a long time, so it's nice to finish first. "I had a better time in the General Brook race, when I was second a few weeks back, but this was still a lot of fun.

It was hot and the course offered medium difficulty, but I enjoyed it." Bob Schutzman of Rye was the overall two-mile winner, at 15:59. Rye's Lauren Latkany captured the overall female crown with a 18:05 clocking. Twe-Mile Run Overall Winner Bob Schutzman 15:50. Male Eight-Under 1. Craig Kalkut 21:42, 2.

Robert Zuckerman 3. Hasegawe 23:04. Male 1 Conor Bastable 2. Brad Melkie 3. Eoin Open set champion who already has won a number of Class A events on the 1984 tournament circuit.

He averages almost 80 percent in ringers. Other leading pitchers from the Westchester-Rockland area include Eddie Sharkey, Emilio Iannuzzi, Murphy and Brian Deenof New Rochelle, Fred Maxner and Bob Esposito of Yorktown, Art Cosgrove of Yonkers and Walter Hooley of LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE SUPREME COURT: COUNTY WESTCHESTER ROSE SANSONE KIVAK, Plaintiff, -againstANTHONY PASSAFUME, ANN ROSE PASSAFUME and UNION SAVINGS DANK OF WESTCHESTER COUNTY, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Index No. in pursuance of an interlocutory judgment of partition and sale duly made and entered on the above entitled action and bearing the date the 12th day of April. and entered in the office of the Clerk of Westchester County on April 16.

the undersigned Referee in said interiocufory judgment named will sell public auction, at the Rotunda of the County Court House, White Plains, New York on July 1904, 1984, 2:00 P.M., Daylight Savings Time, the premises and property directed by said judgment to be sold and described therein as follows: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being In the Village of Port Chester, Town of Rye, County of Westchester and State of New York. which on a certain map entitled "Map of Ridgeland Section No. property of the Port Chester Realty Company, Port Chester, New York, dated August 1903. made and by F.S. Odell, Civil Engineer filed in the Office of County Clerk of Westchester County, Division of Land Records (formerly Register's Office of said County of Westchester) is known and designated by the Number seventy-three (73).

TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest of the parties of the first part of, in and to the land lying in the bed of any road, street or avenue in front of and adjacent to the above described premises, to the center line thereof Said premises to be sold subiect to existing month-to-month nancies. first mortgage lien of the Union Savings Bank of Westchester County, in the sum of $2.606.86 as of November 4, 1983, and as further reduced since. and to the further terms of judicial sale to be made known at th sale. Dated: White Plains. New York April 26, 1984 George Sirignano, Esq Referee 235 Main Street White Plains.

New York 10601 Monroe Y. Mann Attorney for Plaintiff 316 Westchester Avenue Port Chester, New York 10573 TS 4 PC -806 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Board of Education, Harrison Central School District, Towns of Harrison, Rye and North Castle, County of West- Bastable 21:00. Male 11-14 1. Charles Spiess Cibay 3. Richard Magro 10:33.

Male 18-17 1. Steve Hooper 2. John Sweeney 3. Matthew Shevin 10:43. Male 18-20 1.

Richard Cavataro 1 Brian Dempsey 3. Andrew Shevin 19:21. Mate John Neale 2. Mitchell Zuckerman 22:40. Male 1.

Mike Marshal 2. Robert Kaplan 3. Harold Stater 19:01. Male 50-and-Over 1. Don Moore 2.

Robert Conway 3. George Carden 23:33. Overall Female Winner Lauren Lafkany 10:05. Female Mine-and-Unde 1. Tracy Lane 20:16.

Female 11-1 Latkany 18:05. Female 16-21 1. Jean M. Little 2. 3.

Caryn Softall 28:52. Female Mary Anne Heigh 23:05. Female 11-and-Under Nen-Resident Alicia DeChristina (Mamaroneck) Female 18-and-Over Nen-Resident 1. Mary Donahue (White Plains) 10:17. Five-Mile Run Overall Winner Paul Fendier 27:44.

Male 12-14 1. Eric Clinkenbeard 40:46. Male 1. Trevor Brown 2. William Reid 3.

Bob Schutzman 33:17. Male 30-39 1. Mike Zotzmann 2. William Curran 3. William Hammell 35:55.

Male 1. Robert Kennedy 2. Paul Kalkut 3. Mike Marshal Male 56-and-Over 1. Alfred Ash 42:00.

Male 11-andUnder 1. Jason Shell 36:52 (Los Altos. Calif.) Male 18-and-Over Nen-Resident 1. Joe Cordero (Port Chester) 2. Andrew Blance 3.

Philip Glitort 30:25. Overall Female Winner Linda Lyons (Rye Brook) 43:35. Female 10-and-Over Nen-Resident 1, Lyons 43:35, 2. Sally ingenhott (Port Chester) 43:55, 3. Patti O' Keete 44.36.

Female 1-31 1. Bodil Andreasen 41:10 for Saturday Montrose. The event is named in honor of a former member of the New Rochelle Horseshoe Club who helped to promote the sport on the local scene in recent years. The NRHC the New Rochelle Bureau of Parks Recreation are sponsoring and the tourney. An employee of Automatic Data Processing in Stamford, Fendler led most of the way.

Joe Cordero of Port Chester was second in 30:44. Rye's Mike Zotzmann was third with a 30:45. Linda Lyons of Rye Brook logged a Davidoff 'Shoes Art Tyson of Mount Vernon is the headliner in a field of top pitchers from the tri-state area competing in Saturday's Mickey Davidoff Horseshoes Open. The competetion will cover four classes, beginning at 10 a.m. and continuing throughout the afternoon at the Sharkey Memorial Park courts in New Rochelle.

Tyson is a former New York State Education Employment Announcements Training 26 31 1 25 33 30 Gannett Westchester Newspapers Are 8 Financial 34 41 CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED A Merchandise 46 85 Meter or 46 9: CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED Rentals 86 102 Rentals Real Estate 103 125 TO PLACE AN AD CALL 914-694-5111 Res' Esta'1: Transportation 1.26 141 Monday thru Saturday 8 AM to 9 PM, Sunday 3 PM to 7 PM Chester, bids State for: of New York, will 140 SANDING GYM FLOOR AT LOUIS M. KLEIN MIDDLE SCHOOL 04-10 REPLACEMENT. OF GYM FLOOR AT THE SAMUEL PRESTON SCHOOL 04-11 CIRCULAR ROAD AT THE SAMUEL J. PRESTON SCHOOL Bids will be received by the Business Manager or her duly nated representative the Business Manager's Office cated at Union and Nelson Ave: nues, between the hours of a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Official Time, Monday until 2:00 p.m.

THURSDAY, 26. By Jeff Hanley Staff Writer After eight years Paul Fender finally to be a winner. Fendler, 28, competitors and Five-mile Run Announcements 25 Special Notices Personals 009 Restaurants 010 Catering 011 Beer-Liquor Licenses 012 Nursing Homes Child Care Nurseries 014 Travel 015 Amusem*nts Recreation 016 Camps-Resorts 017 Death Notices 018 Funeral Homes 019 Florists 020 Monuments 072 Dental Services 023 Legal Services 024 Medical Services 1. Lest Found WHEN YOUR PET IS LOST OR addition to your Lost Found ed, contact the County Locating Service. Phone.

914-285-2170 Also check all animal shelters for erei months. LOST: 3 platinum diamond rings joined together. Near entrance Altman's or Lord 'n Taylors. 014-472-1243 LOST Akita dog with black face. white husky talistriped collar vic Westch Ctry Club, name REWARD 007 4377 Lest: Bird-light grey, orange cheeks, rite cown, Scarsdale Reward 723-3000 LOST Bird: Pale Yellow co*ckateel Vic.

Laffett St. Fisher Ave White Plains Call 914-941-2000 LOST BLACK MALE DOG. Lab golden retriever mix, lic ID on colfor vic Somers 914-248-5352 Lost: Black german shepherd 7 mo. Whi. Pins H.S.

'Night' Reward 328-0420 LOST: Calico Female Cat mostly black chin, white Hection collar. Brookdale Dr area, Crestwood. REWARD! (Yonkers) LOST Cat. Vic. Little Tor Rd.

Dr. New City, Orange one eye. Childrens pet, REWARD Call Lost cat, Suttern tiger white, REWARD, Joke com LOST female, white black markings, collars vic Webb School, Hertsd name REWARD LOST Dog. gle mix, brown with black patches, white paws, brown collar with tag. Vic So Yonkers.

LOST: Fem. dog, mark, shy, white collar, Stone Gate Re. Dic. Ryder Pk.332-3101 days M1-4401 eves. LOST-Fem German Shep, Valley Cottage area.

REWARD. LOST German Shorthair Pointer, yrs. Tappen Zee Tell Plaza, loves kids, no tags, REWARD LOST; Lhasa apso Alsa Staunton Ykrs, Reward LOST: July 4 vic White Scarsdale-small black female dog, brown collar, license. 'Scamp' 014-431-7100, 237-0477 LOST man's black wallet vie Midland Ave between Rye Port Chester line. Personal ID cards.

no cash. GENEROUS REWARD LOST: med size black dog, white chest, paws, answers to PENNY, vic Nepoperhan Ave Orchard St, Yonkers. LOST: Part Siamese Female Car, betchy beige white 'collar. Hudson Terrace Vic. REWARD.

LOST: ROSARY BEADS Antique, sen-1 fimental value, reward Pi Chester. Washington Ph area LOST: Siamese Cat, beige face. claws tail vic Ave, Hawthorne bet 10-4. REWARDI LOST: MI. Vernon.

Vic. 5th Ave. Tiger-striped male cat. head, skinny body, very shy. Vic is still missing! A 35 lb male reddish tan Terrier mix with white belly test wearing bluegreen Dirty HIM frightened TO call you see De net chase Ami 2.

Waney Ada Deer Tiger, is not camp Daniel Soone, but would love to see you of Cedar Village Lone, everybody of 1. DIRECT PHONE TO CLASSIFIED 914-694-5111 Classified Open: thru Saturday en 1984 at which time and place said bids will be publicly opened and read aloud. The envelope taining the bid must be sealed and addressed to: Miss Catherine Harris, Manager, Board of Education, Harrison Central School District, Union Nelson Avenues, Harrison, New York 10528. Such envelope should also be endorsed on its face with the name of the person, firm or corporation making such proposal, and shall designate the type of bid being submitted Instructions to Bidders, Specifications and Bid Form can be obtained at the Business Manager's Office at the above dress. The Board of Education reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids.

to re advertise if deemed necessary, to accept the proposal which, in the judgment of the Board of Education, appears to be in the best interest of the school district All bids shall continue firm and effective for sixty days actual date of opening thereof, and may not be withdrawn until such time has elapsed Date July 2, 1904 BOARD OF EDUCATION HARRISON CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT HARRISON. NEW YORK 10528 Joseph Spedaliere District Clerk Harrison Central School District TS.1 WRN-654 NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Board of Education, son Central School District, Towns of Harrison, Rye and North Castle. County of westchester, State of New York, will receive bids for 84-8 TRANSPORTATION TO PRIVATE ROCHIAL SCHOOLS Bids will be received by the Bust ness Manager or her duly desig nated representative In the Business Manager's Office 10 cated at Union and Nelson Avenues. between the hours of 8 30 a.m and 4:00 m. Official Time, Monday through Friday.

until 2.00 p.m FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1984 at which time and place said bids Employment DRIVER ED INSTRUCTOR For Summer session of 1984 North Salem School District Call Mr 5414 DRIVER WANTED Apply in person only 85 Westmoreland Ave White Plains Class 1 or 3 knowledge of Manhattan a must Call for interview DRIVER WANTED- For but of Greenhouse supplies must nave Class De esp 914 365-0800 Electrical Mechanic Full experience Large growing co ELECTRICAN EXP APPRENTICE OR MECHANIC Must drive 914-776-4335 ELECTRICIANS HELPER 1-4 yrs exp $14-940-4000 ELECTRONIC DESIGNER westchester based co Manufacturing electronic monitoring systems. electronic Designer with 5 yrs design adapt product line product development write Mc Nab Inc Personnel Dept 20 North MacQuesten Pay Mt Vernon NY 10550 EXCERCISE Busy Health Club seeks Encercise structors Nautilus trainers eve positions Salary commission Mr Breakstone 914-273 1770 Executive Driver -Person with edge of Metro area Mon thru Commute daily driving Must side in Rockiand clean license hrs good 212 EXTERMINATOR SALES Service manager trainee Year work High earning potential benefits Own car 014-403-9511 EXTERMINATOR Wilt train, small car a must Please call 914-969 3000 FENCE INSTALLERS SERVICE Year round Full Exp tence installers needed Year round work Good pay benefits Must have drivers license Equal Employer 914-576-7100 FLORAL DE SIGNER Full time for Flower Den in Cos COD CT Experience very nec 203-437-0057 FORWARDER Central westch for a day daily with compiete experience able to handie all procedures Call 914-941-0587 FRONT DESK POSITION RECEPTIONIST CLERK Thursday thru Sunday part time Tarrytown Conterence Center Call Dorian 914-591-0200 FUND Raiser. some exp in pianned giving special gifts. Donor appeals involvement special events. public re lations Most be energetic work independently Westchester Health Agency Send resume salary requir.

ments to BOX M42AA this paper GAL GUY FRIDAY Must have some experience Call 014-235-5107 GAL GUY FRIDAY Exp'd pref Lite office work Seasonal Call 914-067-6000 ext 617 Gleason Guards Call Us First Guards PART TIME WANDS Continues growth has created many weekend positions Start at $5 per hr working Set's Sun's ideal for col lege students, housewives, retirees. those with a mortgage payment to meet GLEASON SECURITY OPEN 24 HRS 914-761-2324 GRAPHIC DESIGNER mail order exp Concept layout. nech, line draw Send resume sal his. tory. reg CMC.

Draw G. Mam 10543 Groundsperson for construction andscapers to work on estates Westchester Fairtield Counties 914-253-9035 GUARDS Full Time Part Time. Weekends White Plains area Top pay, Students welcome GUARDS! GUARDS! FULL TIME UPPER BRONX WESTCHESTER. ARMED UNARMED JOIN WEST CHESTER'S NEWEST SECURITY SERVICE TOP PAY BENEFITS RETIREES WELCOME GUARDS Perm. positions of Westchester, Fairfield Rockiand Receive benefits, promotions RETIREES WELCOME BURNS INT'1 SECURITY FORTUNE BLDG No.

Central Ave Hartsdale, NY Mon -Fri: 1-5pm 1250 will be publicly opened and read aloud. The envelope containing the bid must be sealed and dressed to: Miss Catherine Harris, Business Manager, Board of Education, Harrison Central School District, Union Nelson Avenues, Harrison, New York 10520. Such envelope should also be endorsed on its face with the name of the person, firm or tion making such proposal, and shall designate the type of bid being submitted. instructions to Bidders, Specifications and Bid Form can be obtained at the Business Manager's Office at the above address. The Board of Education reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any or all bids, to re-advertise if deemed necessary, to accept the proposal which, in the judgment of the Board of Education, appears to be in the best interest of the school district.

All bids shall continue firm and effective for sixty days actual date of opening thereof, and may not be withdrawn until such time has elapsed Date: July 2, 1984 BOARD OF EDUCATION HARRISON CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT HARRISON, NEW YORK 10528 Joseph Spedaliere District Clerk Harrison Central School District of road racing, Rye's knows what it's like outdistanced a field of 40 finished with a time of 27:44 Wednesday to Annual Recreation Five-Mile Run. It was his first-ever title. Announcements 25 have discovered VIDEO DATING! Secretaries, Doctors, Carpenters Teachers from 18 to 00 all use Intro intelligently choose you want to meet by watching their Video Tapel Try it nest week get the MONTH FREE! For tree brochure the mail call the number you. White Plains Mount isce Nanuel Peekskill 13. Care HAPPY CAMP EXPERIENCE SAXON WOODS COUNTRY SCHOOL AGES 2-5 4-10 (9-4 or JUNE 25-AUG 31 014-0500 Starts Sept 4 CHILDCARE, by reliable mother, ref drives, resonable.

NEW CITY mom will babysit, home Mon thru Fri. Exp'd Nursery teacher will care for J. Personals HYPNOSIS FOR SMOKING, WEIGHT Habits. Phobias, Marital problems Garrett Oppenheim, Ph.D.. Director, Confide.

or 17,000 your child in my home. Full time or time. 23. Legal Services BANKRUPTCY, CLOSINGS, GEN PRACTICE Free Consultation N. HOROWITZ ESQ.

014-484-0551 KLEIN, WAGNER MORRIS. P.C Social Security, Disability Related Matters. Free Consultation (914) 254-5027 (212) 044-4320 SERIOUSLY INJURED? From any kind of accident-anywhere Call Attorney James J. Collins (914) 907-0344 or (212) 730-0000 NO FEE UNLESS MONEY Recovered SERIOUSLY INJURED? From any kind of accident-anywhere Call Attorney James J. Collins (914) or (212) 730-0000 No FEE UNLESS MONEY Recovered SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY No tee unless successful BLUMENTHAL RUBIN, ATTYS Free consultation 914-428-1220 Employment 26 026 Employment Agencies 028 Help Wanted 029 Sales Help Wanted Situations Wanted 120.

Hal Wanted based corporation offers challenging full recs, time position. Bookkeeping. bank roll. Should have accounting degree Computer experience desirable. Send resume with salary requirements to: Administrator, Medical Faculty Associates, P.C., Dept of Medicine, Medical Coleige, Valhalla, M.

Y. 10505 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK Full time, exp In one write system plus. Excel benefits. Call Ask for Joyce ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK For prestigious Westchester conference center. Excellent Personnel benefits.

Dept: Apply at Mon-Fri, Arrewwoed of Westchester Anderson HIM Rd, Rye Brook, NY An Equal Oppt'y Employer ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK G'Wich firm seeks person with 1-2 yrs exp. Must be detail oriented problem solver. ADMIN SECRETARY For family planning resume to nOX this IN STRATIVE SECRETARY Financial organization seeks Secreto handle diversified responsibil-: Recent in geed Excel benefits. Perking. Salery with exp.

Please call Phil Silver, Express, West Weed Oak La, White Plains NY Equal One 'ty Employer Administrative Asst Te Executive Director el Community Home Health include secretarial administrative encel typing. Mature person 35 experience. thru Fri 1 An Equal 7 6 TS 1 WRN-653 LEGAL ADVERTISING DEADLINE 12 NOON 72 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF PUBLICATION DATE SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS EXCLUDED When sending legals by mail please address same THE DAILY ITEM Attn: Legal Advertising Department One Gannett Drive White Plains. M. V.

10604 FOR INFORMATION CALL 694-5326 Employment 26 30 Acc'1-Westch. Diligence time imput make you profit, busy CPA office yes public exp. Mr Gray AMBITIOUS PERSONS Energetic, reliable. Available for immediate employment. Permanent apply for $250 4200 per week.

Management oppt'y. Car helpful. For information, please call: White Plains Easichester 779- 1614, Larchment Venkers Bronx 213-507-1010 AMBULANCE PERSONNEL EMT thru Paramedic. top pay, In person 2170 Webster Ave Bronx, NY Apply in person: WESTCHESTER AMBULANCE 20 Nepperhen Ave, Elmsford, NY Monday thru Saturday, APPLIANCE DELIVERY PERSON Must have experience Call 914-410-4100 ASSISTANT DISPATCHER Company supplying concrete in Westchester and Putnam requires administrative oriented individual to dispatch trucks and participate in various office activities. Call 914-271-1377, 2-5pm ASSOCIATE REP SINCE M.S.

OR COLLEGE YOUTH ALWAYS WANTED To use your personality, work with people, learn and grow, and be paid your but never given a chance because you lack the "right kind of experience" we invite you to come in and visit a company that will appreciate your talents, and one where neither youth nor age is a disadvantage. I accepted we will provide specialized training and take personal interest in your growth. 914-948-1001 ASST BUILDING SUPERINTENDENT WHITE PLAINS AREA office bidg. requires individual with exp to work with and direct building personnel. cleaning mechanical systems, security, alterations and tenant reletions.

Excellent oppty, benefits and working conditions. Please reply to DOX this newspaper. ATTORNEY, Corporate for Health or ganization. Part time or full time Send resume to: E.A.S.T., 185 Maple Ave, Suite 111, White Plains NY 10401 AUDITIONS Must be a Prof Top salary open, benefits. Call Mr Diolesa AUTO BODY PAINTER Quality shop seeks A-1 exp'd painter, benefits or Eves-200-531-106 GM experience preferred but not necessary.

ALL benefits. Union shop. Top salary. Call for appointment or apply in person: BRENNAN'S CADILLAC 14 N. Columbus Ave, Mi Vernon Tots to Twenties wanted for T.V.

commercial, movies, other media. Call 201-545-1120. AUTO BODY All around 914-444-2345 212-324-3314 AUTO MECHANIC 1500 SIGN UP CONUS Toyota Dealer looking for Mechanic. Excellent pay and working conditions. Benefits Include pension program, major medical etc.

Certification helpful but not essential. Start immediately. Call Mr. Wilson or Mr Barrett for details TOYOTA CITY MAMARONECK, N.Y. Must have own teals.

Denefits. White Plains AUTO MECHANIC EXP'd starting salary for class A mechanic a mechanic wt, Stamierd 10 MECHANIC Expo, brakes, front tuneups. la person: Plains Firestone, 03 E. Re. AUTO A MECHANICS Class for front exhaust.

Let us know what you want to we will let you know if can make it. AUTOMOTIVE Wetchester's fastest G.M, is looking for Grade A Technicians, Service Rriters etc. ask for John Employment AUTO MECHANIC 3 yrs experience, own tools Yonkers 914-943-4404 Clerical worker, good typing skills, high school Grad. Able to handle phones, general office work. Call Mrs.

Stein or Mr E. 014-713-4910 Automotive LOT PERSON NEEDED Excellent pay benefits. Call Carmen Moretti, at AUTOMOTIVE Exp'd. Excel pay, All benefits WHITE PLAINS FORD 914-761-4455. Ask for Jeanette AUTO MUFFLER MECHANIC Exp'd or trainee.

Port Chester NY 914-037-4264 AUTO PARTS COUNTER PERSON DRIVER. Exp preferred Good benefits. Mamaroneck Vic. Call after 4pm ask for Mr. Woo 914-490-0120 AUTO PARTS Parts person needed, tor large bus co.

to work parts counter Exp preferred. Salary open, good benefits. Contact Greg 444 AUTO PARTS DELIVERY PERSON Mature indiv. license, knowledge of central Westch is need to delivery parts. Call Len 761-0434 AUTO PARTS COUNTERPERSON Exp'd only Excel salary working conditions.

914-965-3232 AUTO PARTS COUNTER HELP Experienced, good oppty, benefits. Call Miller Auto Parts, MI KiSCO 914-241-0300 ask for Sal or Elliott AUTO PREP, Full time, permanent Prepare cars for rental customers. Clean license req'd. AUTO RADIO Alarm installer (2) Exp. own tools, salary neg.

Call SERVICE WRITER SERVICE SHOP FOREMAN GM experience preferred ALL benefits. Salary plus commission for qualified persons. BRENNAN'S CADILLAC BAKER Expo in scratch baking, bread I gourmet pastries. Helen 914-375-1510 BAKERS PASTRY CHEF -Needed for new Steak House Restaurant in Greenwood Lake Pref. someone European training Call for inter 914-477-2340 BANKING Floating Teller Seeking candidate who enjoys travel tenge to learn new systems.

Candidate must have good math skills, customer contact ability professional appearance. Must travel within 50 mile radius of Wh. Pins be able to work Sat, mornings Eves. Excel. Bffs Premium wages Mileage comp.

paid travel time beyond home office. Call 761-4500 ext biwn fam 11 am. EMPIRE OF AMERICA FSA Equal Opportunity Employer BANKING INSTALMENT CREDIT DEPT work. $275. City 212-085-1767 BOOKKEEPER $17,500 Min 3 yrs exp.

35 hr Avail immed. Pref person with school or municipality accounting exp. Excel fringe benefits. Experienced personnel needed for Direct and Indirect Lending Operations as well as Collection Dept Please terward resume to: Personnel Dept. Nanuet National Bank, 250 S.

Middle town Rd, Nanuet NY 10054 An Equal Oppty Employer BEAUTICIAN Experienced. Part time aft 5 BILLING CLERK Mature reliable person with several yrs accounting or related exp needed To manually check extensions bill on the computer. 200-531-4240. BOOK CHARGE Through General Ledger, Payroll Taxes, Account Analysis, experienced all phases of general accounting Near RR, bus. Own ping, all benefits.

Call 8-5 wh.days BOOK EEPER PART TIME WORK AT MOMS CALL 7pm 8pm only 600-4040 BOOKKEEPER Full time. Excellent benefits. Nursing home experience pref. Call Asthmatic Children Foundation 914-762-2110 BOOKKEEPER, full time in active retall store, must handle gen. bookkeeping, phones, customers, 431-012 COOK KEEPER Computer, typing general office Call 914-713-4130 BOOKKEEPER Full time.

light computer, experience pref. Ask In Mrs. Afzl Employment 26 30. YONKERS ESTATE Call 914-945-2710 Burglar Alarm Installers Must be thoroughly expo in residential security Good salary, co benefits. Call Adco Alarms 914-946-0020 bet BUS DRIVERS Coach esp preferred Y.

Class 21 license required. Min age 21 Good health, clean driving record. good attendance. Vanguard Toursi Inc. Westerly Rd.

Ossining Business Manager wanted for Christ Church, Bronsville. Flea hrs. 54 hrs daily. Knowledge of accig, payroll business procedures, computer skills! desirable Liberal vacation. Send resume to the Reverend Christopher Webber, Christ Church, 17 Sagemore Rd.

Bronxville, NY 10700 BUYER ASSIST PLASTICS PURCHASING DISTRIB AGENT MUST OF BUSY HAVE PURCHASING EXP. ABILITY TO COMMUNICATE GOOD MATH APTITUDE BENEFITS 914-444-1 4800 EXT. 200 CARPENTER Exp'd Lrg growing co Carpenter's Helper Large growing co. WANTED Mid- 240-5323 aft 6 pm Exp'd only, home improvements own tools car 914-245-1121 EXP To run Table Saw cutting Acrylic Plastic Call Paul 576-2050 PLASTIC WORKS, New Rochelle CARPENTER, Exp, able to run home improvement jobs Steady year round work Call Sam-5pm 914-760-5055 CARPENTER -EXPERIENCED Own tools and transportation Call Sandy CARPET MECHANICS Subcontractors Wanted Top $. steady work 1-800-645-8700 CARPET MECHANIC Full time, Carpet, tile lino.

Salary' PRECISION FLOORS CARWASH MANAGER Immed opening for responsible conscientious person with some mechanical ability. Excel pay CHANGE ATTENDANTS For Yonkers Larchmont arcades, pit, retirees welcome 914-576-7800 CHEF Experienced only apply Call betw dam 10am 014-403-1282 CHILD CARE WORKERS We are recruiting Child Care Workers to supervise teenage females in group home placement Full time (40 hour work week) Some sleep-in drivers license required White Plains. Peekskill Rockland County areas. Contact Personnel, Cardinal McCloskey Services, (914) 907-8000 Equal Opportunity Employer PELHAM PKWY BRONX This can be the right position for ambitious- person, with at least 5 years experience. Light typing computer knowledge necessary, hours Cam4pm PLEASE CALL BETWEEN 3 pm 4pm ONLY.

CLERICAL Full time. phones, filing, light typing. Mrs Atzl CLERICAL General Office Work, Bookkeeping. typing, phone presence Mamaroneck office: Call Laura, 1-5pm, 914-408-5510 CLERICAL we are looking for exp d. person who can type well, is used to heavy phone work, abte to undertake varied office duties pitch-in where needed Non-smoker preferred Full time manent, 2-3 yrs esp.

required. Excel Co. benefits. Salary open. Please call Mrs Kapian for appt.

CLERK TYPIST Good typing, phone organizational skills a must for this busy TV production dept. Good company paid bene Nits. 014-237-1000 ent 161 CLERK- TYPIST, Diverse duties Drivers License Small effice located in Pelham. 728-4200 bet. 10-3.

COACHING POSITIONS Heed womens volleyball coach $1354 Asst womens basketball conch 1000 Athletic trainer part. time $2500 Send resume to: Westchester Community College Velhalla. Coordinator NY of or call Womens': Employment 16 COACHING VACANCIES JV FIELD HOCKEY, CHEERLEADING ADVISOR, JV VOLLEYBALL. GIRLS GYMNASTICS QUALIFIED APPLICANTS, PLEASE CALL PHIL DI RUOCCO. IRVINGTON HIGH SCHOOL.

914-581-8500 or (eves) 914-241-2582 COACHING VACANCIES For the '84-95 school yr. JV fotball, (head), JV soccer (head). girl's tenwinter track, girt's gymnastics, girt's JV basketball, JV wrestling Apto: Marianne Def rancesco, Pleasantwille UFSD, Romer Ave. Pleasantville NY 10570 COLLEGE STUDENTS- Jobs $7.05 starting rate Scholarships avail Hrs flex. Car nec Can continue in the tall.

Call 11-4pm COLLEGE STUDENTS H.S. Grads -College Bound SUMMER JOBS Year Old Company Has Openings Administration Student Market Division Excellent Salary Call Browne COMPUTER OPERATOR SYSTEM 34 OPERATOR Westchester corp seeking conscientious, diligent System 34 Operator Excellent salary benefits. Exp on System 34 heipful Send sume to BOX 00426 this paper CONSTRUCTION Job coordinator. schedule trades delivery of materials, keep records production boards for large remodeling contractor in Westchester doing 2- 300 jobs yearly Requires knowledge of remodeling business. last, alert, dynamic person capable of working under pressure Salary.

bonus, major benefits Call Mr at 914-381-5105 CONSTRUCTION Site superintendent exp only, full time Please call 914-425-1288 Mon-Fri 10am-3pm CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR Office inspect for compliance with plans, evaluate payment requisitions, require min 5 yr construction experience Technical degree, writing skills, salary around 530K 914-273-4000 COOK BROILER Exp, will train. Apply Fri An 2pm COOK COOK COOK Institutional experience required Flexible hours Good benefits Call Mr Gray in Ossining at 914-041-7300 or Mrs. Barteis in Croton at COOK -FULL OR PART TIME Exp needed Good benefits Apply in person, Bentley's Restaurant, 530 Wil. left Ave, Port Chester NY COOK -Housekeeper, mature. adult, live-in, can have outside job; country setting, Briarchit! 428-7722 COOK in small restaurant Part time: full time 'nights will train Tarrytown Aft 3pm 014-431-0019 Valerie COOK S-Exp'd pref'd, will consider exp.

Apply Monday thru Friday. between 4-11am 2-4pm, HUDSON RESTAURANT, Haverstraw Marine COOK WANTED Interviews between 2-5pm MICHELANGELO'S, 014-428-0005 COUNSELORS-DAY CAMP Top White Plains Camp seek boys camp general counselors, entering college. in college, teachers grads Must swim Giris camp general counselors 21 plus Must drive, must swim staff WSi and or ALS Woodshop assistant 914-949-2635 or COUNSELORS-SWIM STAFF Large White Plains area day camp seeks pool supervisors (WS1), also regular instructors (WSI or ALS) Phone COUNSELORS Childrens Co-Ed Overnight Camp Beer Mountain area. 916-351-2755 COUNSELORS EMT. WSI, SLS for Westchester day camp.

Please call 914-425-0100 COUNSLORS-DAY CAMP Tennis, WSI, SLS, Maint, nursery, eo, radio, gym, computers, COUNTER, Grill, Fountain Help. Some exp. Full part time Nights. COOK'S RESTAURANT COUNTER HELP WANTED FOR DRY CLEANER, EXP'D PREF' D. CALL COUNTER PERSON.

Growing wood distributor in Mamereneck. Some exp in lumber construction industry 8-4pm. CREDIT COLLECTION In detail. Knowledge of bookkeeping Computerized Full benefits. Port Chester.

Employment UPERA I UR Exp a data entry operator for on tine; computer system for G'Wich firm Good typing a must 203-531 -240 CUSTOMER REPRESENTATIVE Financial institution has entry level position for person with good commu nication skills Teller experience plus Full training escellent bene fits Personal transportation neces sery Call Mrs Bressier at 914-696 5500 CUSTOMER SERVICE REP Mist have excellent communication skills possess pleasant phone man: ner Apply in person to Purolator Courier. 100 Lamont St. Eimstord. NY btw 11am 3pm beginning 7 1 Equal Opportunity Empioyer CUSTOMER SERVICE, resposibie de tail oriented person. tor diversified spot Good phone voice light typing.

yr office exp a must 203-531-4200 Day Comp Counselors Music. Gymnastics. Soccer. wres Video, Radio. Tennis 277 3876 DELI CLERK -M Exp'd for full part time position Call 014-498-4305 DELI HELP Exp'd Full time Call 914-277-0182 DELI SANDWICH PERSON Exp a for HIGH VOLUME fast food restaurant Lunch, dinner, whends holidays must Call 914-834-5005 DENTAL ASSIST RECEPTIONIST PT White Plains practice Call 014-603 1818 DENTAL ASSISTANT White Plains Experience preferred Call 914-940-2204 DENTAL ASSISTANTS WANTED PT Congenial Group Practices Exp nec Must take Rays Part time.

will train right person Benefits Call Mon-Fri 968 3830 DENTAL ASSISTANT DENTAL (HYGIENIST -F Dental Assist for ex cel Whi Pins Restorative office bene hits. sal Also or Dental Hygienist pos avail 944 1177 DENTAL Receptionist BOX c. this newspaper DISPATCHER Except'! opport'y tor mature respon sible indiv in multi- Dr office Typing req'd. Experience pref a DIRECTOR skulls for the Irvington Children's Center A be tore after school prog thru Sept thru June NYS Cert MA reg re sume PO BOX Irvington Ny 10533. by July 18 DIRECTOR for Family Pinning Abortion Program Send resume 10 -westchester largest Coach school bus company needs sharp individ ual to dispatch at our largest garage (115 vehicles) Monday thru Friday 12 noon to 4 pm and Sundays Bene fits.

steady work with a future Salary communersate with exp Call or write Attn Torn Turner Vanguard Tours Inc westerly Rd. Ossining 10542. 914-941-7100 DRAFTSMAN exp In construction. structual electro mechanical drawings, with en gineering background Salary based on esp Call Dan 359 9007 DRILL PRESS Drill press operators. polishers welders.

-must be mechanically In chned. Good benefits. steady work Apply in person DI Paragon inc 12 Pauling St Pleasantville, NY DRIVER CLASS 3. Westchester firm seeks industrious. conscientious qualified driver for deliveries in Brons westchester Excel salary, benefits work envi ronment Write BOX 01008 this paper DRIVER OWNER OPERATOR For Messenger serv, with van or sta won NYC Westch Cty 914-930-4332 DRIVER-Pv1 School Class 2 license 12 mos pos Fringe benefits, steady employment $39-7311 DRIVER Reliable mature with clean license knowledge of Westchester County I the Brons to deliver packages for busy medical supply firm Full time To start immed Call DRIVERS-Growing progressive company seeking exp'd tractor trailer drivers to run the road Call (201) 330 1900 Ext 174 Owner operators.

Good opportunity for drivers with late model vans to work on commission basis. High earnings possible $550 bookings per Must be familiar with Westchester County bores. $14-448-4577 DRIVERS WANTED Private car service Full part time, days, nights weekends avail Call 914-776-1176 DRIVER- TRUCK High Point Construction Co Call- Sandy Employment GUARDS Mature persons needed for all shifts 1 pit al prestigious Westchester 10 Denications Join a growing company Apply Mon -Fri PAN AM INVESTIGATION 305 Central Av Wh Plains MAIR DRESSERS chair for rent beautiful salon also room approx 24 tor any use desired Nice atmo sphere 014-723 1012 or 235 1680 eves HAIRDRESSER- MANAGER For busy saion in Mahope Top pay comm benefits Candy 014-428 9865 HAIR DRESSER upd with or without following $500 up bonus with following Kevins 914-428-4531 HANDYMAN I Full time general maintenance work westch area Call 914-620-4105 HANDYPERSONS 2 IF For hospital Prefer exp Asa for Mr Chetty 014-930-4420 bet 5 6pm only HEAD TEACHER Large day care center infant room lyrs exp Call 014 An Equal Opp ty Empiover HIRT PRESSER With or without a experience Call 914-835-4300 Horticultural Technician Interior Plantscaper To care for piants office situation lower Westchester area 014 253-9035 HOSTESS Applications being accepted for Host jesses, full part time al prestigious irestaurant Salary negotiable No help Apply betw 4-6pm 914-761 3600 tor directions HOUSEHOLD HELP BRENNAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Couple. I adult Westchester $3000 (Couple 2 adults, caretaker $2500 Cook 2 adults $250 IC Child care 1 child $250 Governess, I child 300 NO FEE TO APPLICANT exp to New 10 in Day now Fri re long 147 Mam k. Wh Pins 14-949-7770 For protessional couple White Plains lestate Live in out Full part time Private room bath Top salary Expe irence references, drivers license re quired 7930 HOUSEKEEPER Responsible eNDO wed.

Fri. own transp. recent rets 014-723-7550 at 4pm HOUSEKEEPER 5 days. Mon Thurs 12-4. Fri 12-4 Lite cooking Must have own transp 4 good refs 914-38 Housekeeper sitter for couple child 5'9 day wk.

hive in own room bath 914-432-7804 aft 8pm or whends exp desirable will sponser HOUSEKEEPER COOK to live in exp. adult Who loves chil dren, Scarsdale resident Need imme date Call 914 725-4437 Housekeeper Rm board Small sale ty in exchange for housework laundry FT considered 636-7373 HOUSEMAN exp must nave long term rets. westch country estate live in. good salary bentit*: weekdays 1883 eves HVAC Estimator 'Expanding heating air cond Westchester county estimator having at least 3 urs exp working tor mechanical contractor immediate excel opp'ty salary benefits Mr. Sid Hecker insurance Secretary Busy Physicians office seeks Ind vidual 10 file Insur ance, etc ISCO Med Group x1 200 for application INSURANCE Congenial office White Plains.

responsible. Per sonal Lines Min 3 yrs exp nowledge of Good salary 4 co -5775 203-964-096 LAUNDRESS 1 day Refs required 014-939-0156 LAUNDRY SUPERVISOR Exp req at Personnel Dest Mon Fry 10am-2pm Arrow wood of Westchester Anderson Rd. Rye Brook, An Equal Oppt Employer LIQUOR WINE -RETAIL Sales Exp' a Fine Wine Shop (Lower Westchester LOCK SMITHS Exp'd, consider apprentice drivers license, 1 1 914-946 4257 MACHINIST For mill lathe, In Mamaroneck good salary cleen shop, Cel) MACHINIST 2nd Class. 3-4 years experience Modern, air conditioned plant Call 914-419-9450 Equal Opportunity Employer MAINTENANCE Westchester Club seeks maintenance person with electrical background. Please call.

The Daily Item from Port Chester, New York (2024)


What is the history of Port Chester NY? ›

Settled as the Town of Rye in 1660, the area became known as "The Saw Pits". The name was derived from the process of making planks used in ship building. On March 11, 1837, the settlement of "The Saw Pits" was renamed "Port Chester". On May 14, 1868, it was incorporated into a village.

What is the ethnicity of Port Chester, NY? ›

In 2022, there were 1.23 times more Other (Hispanic) residents (10.3k people) in Port Chester, NY than any other race or ethnicity. There were 8.4k White (Non-Hispanic) and 4.4k Two+ (Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

What is Port Chester known for? ›

Portchester Castle's remarkable history begins in the 3rd century AD when the Romans built a vast fort here. In the 5th century this waterside fortress was transformed into a Saxon settlement, and after the Conquest of 1066 it became a Norman castle.

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Author: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-03-23

Address: 74183 Thomas Course, Port Micheal, OK 55446-1529

Phone: +13408645881558

Job: Global Representative

Hobby: Sailing, Vehicle restoration, Rowing, Ghost hunting, Scrapbooking, Rugby, Board sports

Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.