Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (2024)

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#26Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (2) 16thAug2012 at 2:42AM

Quote: Originally posted by eskie227

If this is to be a real tropical vacation world, I hope they give us some special plants to the bubble machine, of course. Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (3)

Like that of those which are spinning around in my avatar? [IMG][/IMG]

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One Minute Ninja'd

Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (5)

#27Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (6) 16thAug2012 at 2:47AM

Quote: Originally posted by DuskTrooper

Like that of those which are spinning around in my avatar? [IMG][/IMG]

That could work.


Lab Assistant

#28Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (7) 16thAug2012 at 2:51AM Last edited by orkhid22 : 16thAug2012 at 5:35AM.

where did you get this info from matrix? i looked on the sims 3 website and dont see any info on this

edit: found it on the website!


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Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (9)Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (10)

#29Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (11) 16thAug2012 at 4:54AM

Quote: Originally posted by orkhid22

where did you get this info from matrix? i looked on the sims 3 website and dont see any info on this

This forum post has Simguru blog links:


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Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (13)

#30Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (14) 16thAug2012 at 4:59AM

I might be in the minority here (I probably am) but when I first saw this my reaction was meh. This is Sunset Valley but with Seasons added, why couldn't they make a Canadian north/Alaskan type of world to promote seasons. This world is very redundant



#31Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (15) 16thAug2012 at 5:07AM


This is Sunset Valley but with Seasons added

...Have you played The Sims 3? Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (16) Sunset Valley is a moderate climate. It is a valley loaded with pine trees and mountains... This is a string of tropical islands with a dormant volcano on it. Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (17)

Black Zekrom

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Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (19)Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (20)

#32Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (21) 16thAug2012 at 8:18AM

Wow! Its a Beautifull world! :D
I hope this world is released this September Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (22)
Also at this therad , SimGuruTaterTot says

Quote: Originally posted by SimGuruTaterTot

This world will be fully playable and useable once you buy it. The benefit coming with the Seasons patch is that you will now be able to swim in the water.

Doesn't that means, Swimming in the sea is coming with the Season patch? Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (23)

Me back after a long hiatus :)



Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (25)

#33Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (26) 16thAug2012 at 8:41AM

Quote: Originally posted by Black Zekrom

Doesn't that means, Swimming in the sea is coming with the Season patch? Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (27)

Aye, this is the case. Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (28)


Top Secret Researcher

Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (30)

#34Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (31) 16thAug2012 at 9:06AM

Does this also mean that they can only swim in a small area of the sea?

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Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (33)

#35Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (34) 16thAug2012 at 9:20AM

It's definitely a beautiful world but I'll have to know more to be as excited about it as I was for Lucky Palms which really blew me away with the landscape, the improved water texture and the history of town. And since the island and swimming in the ocean seems to be a big draw for this world, I wouldn't see the point in getting it until after Seasons comes out. It'd be a nice place to send my Bridgeportians on vacation.


Forum Resident

#36Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (36) 16thAug2012 at 9:58AM

Quote: Originally posted by Artimis

Does this also mean that they can only swim in a small area of the sea?

Any non-residential, non-community lot body of water will be swimmable, as long as there's a gradual shore which allows sims to walk into the water.


Field Researcher

Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (38)

#37Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (39) 16thAug2012 at 10:10AM

Quote: Originally posted by writerchick

Any non-residential, non-community lot body of water will be swimmable, as long as there's a gradual shore which allows sims to walk into the water.

I'm a bit confused about this... so it's not possible to have your own private section of beach on your home lot?


Forum Resident

#38Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (41) 16thAug2012 at 10:20AM

Quote: Originally posted by clay4kelly

I'm a bit confused about this... so it's not possible to have your own private section of beach on your home lot?

The gurus haven't said if there's any change in lot placement. All I know is what I put here: sims can swim anywhere on the world map which isn't a residential or community lot. So they cannot swim in ponds you create on your lot or on a community lot.

Willow's Tara

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Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (42)

#39Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (43) 16thAug2012 at 10:32AM

Oh, this is probably going to sound whiny but no, just add swimming with the actual game, not the patch. The reason I say this is well, my internet's a piece of crap and certain people here won't listen to me when I say we need to change it. So I literally cannot download anything that needs more then like 20 seconds, which is why I don't have any recent patches because the download stops in the middle of it, and once I get out of it, it restarts (Unless the patch is like Skyrim, and lets you exit and when you come back, continues where it was).

I wonder exactly if owners of that lot can swim though? I want my other sims to go in the ocean that "belong"(Air quote since the oncea wouldn't be belong to them( and swim.

Don Babilon

Department of Post-Mortem Communications

Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (45)

#40Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (46) 16thAug2012 at 10:41AM

Quote: Originally posted by Willow's Tara

Oh, this is probably going to sound whiny but no, just add swimming with the actual game, not the patch. The reason I say this is well, my internet's a piece of crap and certain people here won't listen to me when I say we need to change it. So I literally cannot download anything that needs more then like 20 seconds, which is why I don't have any recent patches because the download stops in the middle of it, and once I get out of it, it restarts (Unless the patch is like Skyrim, and lets you exit and when you come back, continues where it was).

I wonder exactly if owners of that lot can swim though? I want my other sims to go in the ocean that "belong"(Air quote since the oncea wouldn't be belong to them( and swim.

No reason to worry, the patch is on the disk.
And if I'm not terribly mistaken there are no lots with parts of ocean in any of the EA worlds, so there is no chance anyway that anyone can own lots with a beach. Beaches are always off lots.



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Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (48)Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (49)Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (50)

#41Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (51) 16thAug2012 at 10:57AM

The flowering bushes are hibiscus - very common in Polynesia.
The banana palm is definitely a species of banana, though probably not an edible one (there are hundreds of banana species in the Pacific, including probably over 200 edible ones).
I don't recognise the trees other than the coconut palms.

The boat is Nordic, not Polynesian. :/

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Lab Assistant

#42Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (52) 16thAug2012 at 12:30PM

Quote: Originally posted by Willow's Tara

Oh, this is probably going to sound whiny but no, just add swimming with the actual game, not the patch. The reason I say this is well, my internet's a piece of crap and certain people here won't listen to me when I say we need to change it. So I literally cannot download anything that needs more then like 20 seconds, which is why I don't have any recent patches because the download stops in the middle of it, and once I get out of it, it restarts (Unless the patch is like Skyrim, and lets you exit and when you come back, continues where it was).

I wonder exactly if owners of that lot can swim though? I want my other sims to go in the ocean that "belong"(Air quote since the oncea wouldn't be belong to them( and swim.

Adding ocean swimming to the patch is a good idea because it allows the dev team to give us more water activities in future EPs (boats, surfing, etc.), which is something they couldn't do if the feature was exclusive to the Seasons EP.



Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (54)

#43Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (55) 16thAug2012 at 12:46PM

I hope they add coconuts into the game, by this world. I desperately want coconuts. T_T It'll be awesome to see our sims climbing up a coconut tree, and prank people from above by throwing coconuts~ Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (56)

Hey there! :)



#44Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (58) 16thAug2012 at 1:54PM

As a rule I don't buy Worlds , but I may make an exception with this one



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Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (60)Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (61)Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (62)

#45Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (63) 16thAug2012 at 1:56PM Last edited by kiwi_tea : 16thAug2012 at 3:35PM.

Lol. I wonder who disagreed with me? Was it over the boat?

I am Polynesian. I would hope I know my Polynesian boats. :P

Google either vaka or waka. You will see that neither of these features ever occur on Polynesian boats:

Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (64)

That spiral might *almost* be a koru, if you used your imagination, which is an important element of Polynesian design, but its use here suggested a viking longboat, not the ornately carved mastheads that occur on some waka. Also the broken mast here is not Polynesian boat design. Cross-masts like that might only occur on extremely modernised waka.

Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (65)

The oar is protruding from a slot. Waka oars are generally cast over the side of the boat to propel it, like a canoe paddle. Also, this is the front of the boat. If there was a masthead, in Polynesia this is the end it would occur on.

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#46Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (66) 16thAug2012 at 2:03PM

Why wouldn't a nordic boat be there? Boats were designed to travel the seas. Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (67) I don't think it's too unlikely for a boat from somewhere else to show up :p



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Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (69)Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (70)Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (71)

#47Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (72) 16thAug2012 at 2:12PM

Oh yeah. I've nothing against it being a weird quirky "Tropical Vikings" joke. It's just with so much Pacific Island navigational culture - Polynesians were perhaps the greatest ancient navigators - it's a shame they didn't include a Polynesian wreck instead.

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One Minute Ninja'd

Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (74)

#48Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (75) 16thAug2012 at 3:11PM

Quote: Originally posted by kiwi_tea

Oh yeah. I've nothing against it being a weird quirky "Tropical Vikings" joke. It's just with so much Pacific Island navigational culture - Polynesians were perhaps the greatest ancient navigators - it's a shame they didn't include a Polynesian wreck instead.

That's because the Polynesians were such great navigators, they never had wrecks. Only a Viking, dozing in the warm sun, would run aground in the Pacific.


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Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (77)

Original Poster

#49Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (78) 16thAug2012 at 3:50PM

The boat was marked off as ruins. Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (79)

I'll fix everything though.

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Don Babilon

Department of Post-Mortem Communications

Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (81)

#50Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (82) 16thAug2012 at 4:10PM

Relevant: Things I've Seen/Heard/Read About in The Sims 3: Sunlit Tides (83)
And this was the text I found accompanying the picture:

Busse Viking Longship

This was the largest class of Viking longship. It could carry sh*tloads of Vikings and plenty of beer, but it was too large for traditional raiding. Unable to dock in shallow waters, the busse (or buza) needed a half-decent bay or port to unload. The Vikings, however, were normally too drunk and impatient to actually find a decent place to land. Many buza crews would often pass out long before arriving anywhere, drifting for days until one of them woke up.

It was a Viking busse crew that first discovered America, completely by accident but long before Christopher Columbus. Unfortunately, they were too sh*tfaced to even care about it, let alone remember where it was. The only cargo they brought back was a fully-grown American bear, but it died long before reaching Scandinavia.*

*the crew believed the bear to be a Native American woman and treated it as such. Thoroughly unimpressed with what they assumed to be an average American women (disobedient, bad tempered, loud and incredibly hairy), the Vikings never even considered a return voyage.


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