Morgan County Democrat from McConnelsville, Ohio (2024)

Eight The Morgan County Democrat, McConnelsville. Ohio. Thursdav. September 22, 1932 TWIN CITY OPERA HOUSE EARLE EVELAND, Mgr. Phone 243 Monday-Tuesday 8 o'clock Wednesday-Thursday 7 o'clock Friday .......8 o'clock Saturday 7 and 8:45 o'clock Adults 35c.

Children 15c. each ticket. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Sept. 30-Oct. 1-Will Rogers.

Dorothy Jordan and Irene Rich in "Down to Earth." "Down to Earth" is an uproarious Rogers comedy plus a straightforward absorbing story of a family living above its means, and of how Rogers brings his society climbing wife and children down to earth with his common sense and wholesome philosophy that has endeared him to millions. The one man who can still make America laugh. Come in and break a rib. Laurel Hardy comedy. Cartoon.

Sportlight. At last we are able to announce Sharkey-Schmelling fight picthresharter weeks of delay. We are putting these on with a mighty good program. Come early as possible and assure yourself a good seat. Next week we will tell you of our anniversary program.

We are making every effort to have one of the best anniversary programs of our 13 years. And we might also state that 03- tober will bring some of the finest of the 'Em pictures, Alive;" "Washington Masquerade;" "Skyscraper Souls;" "Congorilla;" Jackie Cooper in "Divorce In the Family." Join our baseball party next week for the the Twin world City series. Electric Mr. Carlton will of furnish the radio, Mr. Chas.

Fisher the score board, and we will take care of the few other little details, to make this a happy event. cannot keep in touch with the game, phone us and we will be glad to tell you the score at any time. Remember our 13th anniversary 1919" as Morris Hardware would say; "14 years young" as Sturtevant's would have it." Peters Victor 12 gauge shot gun shells, only 59c a box, at Standard Supply Co. Hon. E.

J. Mildren of Marietta was badly injured Tuesday in an automobile wreck. 100 pairs 75c ruffled curtains, sale, 48c, at Kraps Betz'. Mr. and Mrs.

R. K. Longley and Mr. and Mrs. C.

T. White are enjoying a motor trip to Washington, D. and other points. Get our SALE prices on blankets. They are going to be -Kraps Betz.

Mrs. Smith, wife of Paul "Pete" Smith, east of town, who went with her husband to Columbus where he is taking medical treatment for burns he sustained in explosion, fell recently, "breaking her arm in two places. Special SALE on coats for the early buyers, $20 coats, $16.50, at Kraps Betz'. Mrs. J.

S. Taylor and son James Sheridan of Caldwell, went to Columbus Friday with Mrs. Taylor's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Hardin. On Sunday Mrs. Taylor and son went to Akron for a visit with her sister Mrs. Phillip Baughman and husband. Triple sheer or chiffon velvet dresses, $9.95, specials, at Kraps Betz'.

Alva J. Longstreth, aged 76 years, a well known resident of Crooksville, died at his home Tuesday afternoon, following two weeks illness from a complication of diseases. He is survived by four sons--William of the home; Charles of Paris, Elmer of Delaware, and Leo of McLuney; also two daughters-Mrs. Clara Frame of McLuney, and Ethel Longstreth of the home. New Shades in Rollins Hosiery, $1 grade, 69c, this week, at Kraps Betz'.

Coats, Dresses, Suits, Blankets, priced at special sale for the early buyers. Use our lay away Betz. The Morgan county Democratic women's club has received an invitation to be present at a meeting of the federated Democratic women's clubs of Ohio, to be held at the Deshler hotel in Columbus Saturday, Sept. 24. A luncheon will be served.

Mrs. Nellie Taylo Ross and Governor White are to be speakers on the program. Mrs. Stella Durbin from this place is a delegate to the meeting, and besides Mrs. Durbin and Mrs.

E. A. Gaston, president of the local organization, others from here may be in attendance. P. T.

A. Notice The Parent-Teacher association of the M. M. schools will have the first meeting of the year 1932-33, next Monday evening, Sept. 26, in the high school auditorium.

The pot luck family dinner at 6:30 p. is an important social feature. Installation of the newly elected officers, and plans for the year's work will be program feature. Every member of previous years is urged to attend, showing your support to the new officers. Bring silver, china and trays for your family.

I CREAMI CREAMI I am paying foButterfat, 16c W. H. Broomhall, Stockport HOME MARKETS (Furnished by Dover Bros.) Market changed Thursday, Sept. 22 Eggs, per dozen .18 Butter. .15 Straw, per 5.00 Hay, per ton.

8.00 Light .08 Heavy Hens. .12 .50 .35 LOCAL NEWS New sport coats, $12.50 and 50 specials, at Kraps Betz'. Mrs. Lucinda Frash of Malta remains very ill with heart trouble. Parlor Heaters priced from 50 Supply Co.

Mrs. Alta Moore of this place has been suffering with rheumatism. Mrs. Delilah Merrill who resides near the cemetery, has been ill with stomach and bowel trouble. Mr.

and Mrs. B. H. Willey of Malta attended the Willey family reunion, held Sunday at the Belle Valley grove in Noble county. FREE Student marcels during the next two weeks, at the Partesius Beauty Shoppe.

This week $6 felt base ruge, sale, $4.98, at Kraps Betz'. J. D. Keller, spent the past week in Canton and attended the M. E.

conference in Wooster on Monday. Mrs. Earle Duke (Eva Wethereil) of Cleveland, who is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wetherell, near Malta, has been ill with a heavy cold.

Music! The greatest of all arts. For best of methods in piano and voice. moderne telephone Mrs. rold Scott, 321-Red. 22s3 Mr.

Russell Harrison who was badly injured in an auto accident, is improving. For a time he had a slight infection in his hand, but it is now better. 59c Ruffled Curtains, 39c, all colors, at Kraps Betz'. Mrs. T.

E. Leonard and Miss Charlotte Wilson attended Wednesday a meeting of the executive committee of the Athens presbyterial, held at Athens. 50c window shades, 39c, for Saturday SALE at Kraps Betz'. Mr. Edward Barkhurst of Malta, who suffered a puncture wound in his shoulder in an automobile accident.

has been having quite a serious time, the wound having become infected. Dir. Everett Whipple and sister Mrs. Anna Farra who have been spending their vacations here with their home people, leave today for Camp Aurora, where Mr. Whipple is secretary of the Cleveland Y.

M. C. A. New kid gloves, $1.25 to $1.98, at Kraps Betz'. Greer Reunion The annual Greer reunion will be held at the McConnelsville fair grounds, Sunday, Sept.

25. Rela- THURSDAY (Tonight) Ken Maynard in "Range Law." Action crackling with thrills and suspense. Tenth chapter of "Detective Lloyd." ney and Frederic March "MerJust two more chapters. SidSylvia, rily We Go Hell." Just a bitterred sweet story of young love and lost illusions. One show, at 7.

Two persons admitted on each ticket. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Sept. 23-24-Tom Brown, Slim Summerville and Richard Cromwell in "Tom Brown of Culver." This is Tom name) playing the part Tom Brown himself (that's his, real Brown in one of the most stirring pictures ever made. He goes to Culver. rebels, fights, loses, wins, and gives you a climax that will rouse you to cheers.

You'll stand up and cheer when you see the Black Horse Troop on parade, when you hear the stirring music of regimental bands, when you respond to the intense drama this colorful story the making a man. Con. coot edy. Cartoon. Screen Snapshot.

MONDAY and TUESDAY, Sept. 26-27--John Barrymore, Helen Twelvetrees and William Boyd in "State's Attorney." Courtroom drama. One of the best attorney pictures, in a class by itself. We booked this picture especially to use. at this time.

Also the official motion pictures of the world's heavyweight championship boxing contest between Jack Sharkey and Max Schmelling. Shows the full 15 rounds. Comedy. Fox Movietone News. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, Sept.

28-29-Tom Keene in "Boyond the Rockies." A great western picture. 11th of "Detective Lloyd." Watch last chapter. chapters And June Clyde, Louise Fazenda and Slim Summerville in "Raving Youth." A great automobile story. Magic Carpet. One big show each night.

Two persons admitted on Mrs. Herschel Willey is quite ill with gall bladder trouble. For honest and reliable information on Parlor Heaters, see Standard Supply Co. Mr. Harley Gladden who is employed on the road near here, had his forefinger badly cut, recently.

Why buy a washer with the legs bolted through the tub, when you can buy a Dexter with sturdy base construction for only Standard Supply Co. Born Tuesday, Sept. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Reed of Kennebec hill, McConnelsville, a daughternamed Marilyn Ann. Mrs. Reed who was Grace Swift of Zanesville, was formerly a nurse at Rocky Glen sanatorium. Another shipment $3.95 silk dresses, at Kraps Betz'. Mrs.

Celia Hand and her grandson Arroya Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. James Sensenbaugh of Rock Falls, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jno.

O. Day the past week, and also visited other relatives in tives and friends invited. 1592 I this locality. Announcing Robinson Bros. Motor Co.

McConnelsville, Ohio as Miller Tire Dealers for MORGAN COUNTY A complete line of MILLER TIRES and TUBES and Our Service at your disposal. First showing of the new style Aladdin Lamps for only Standard Supply Co. Rev. and Mrs. R.

G. Osgood, Miss Alice Moody, Mrs. W. G. Kester and Mrs.

Gertrude Lawrence attended the district O. C. M. S. conference, held Tuesday at the Church of Christ in Athens.

Mr. Osgood was on the program for a an address. We are now prepared to give, facials at the Partesius Beauty Shoppe. Phone 77-Black or 54- Black. Rev.

Fr. Zamborski from Laferty, and Mrs. Dacar and daughter Agnes and Mr. Krieger visited Miss Joan Dacar, nurse at the sanatorium, Tuesday, and also called on Rev. Fr.

Preston. The Dexter name is your pledge of fine quality and continuous costfree service. It carries the Dexter lifetime Supply Co. Mrs. F.

B. Doudna of Cambridge visited here Wednesday with her son Att'y Francis S. Doudna. She came with Mrs. C.

Ellis Moore, and other members of the Cambridge delegation who attended the Republican rally here. Make your money go as far as you can. a Watch main springs, 50c, 75c, and $1. Other watch and clock repairs done promptly at Montgomery's. Miss Christine Frash of Malta has been employed to teach the primary grades at Triadelphia.

Miss Frash is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Frash, and is a graduate of 0.

Athens. Mack Stonager, aged 51, who was convicted at Caldwell on the charge of burglarizing the home Mrs. Mary Engle, an aged woman, near an, Sharon, was sentenced by Judge C. 0. Dye of Caldwell to the penitentiary for life; and Harold Kemp, 26, of Caldwell, convicted of criminal assault with consent, was tenced to the penitentiary to serve from one to 20 years.

Since the first of the year Judge Dye has sentenced 20 convicted persons to penal institutions. Lovely new wash dresses, short or long sleeves, 59c and $1, at Kraps Betz'. Mrs. Charles H. Fouts ed at the Kennebec hotel with a luncheon, preceding the trict Republican rally at McConnels: ville, on Tuesday.

Invited guests were: Mrs. John W. Bricker of Columbus; Mrs. Chas. W.

Montgomery of Newark; Mrs. C. Ellis Moore, Mrs. Chas. Peck and Mrs.

Helen McBurney of Cambridge; Dr. and Mrs. E. Lefever of Postmaster Asa McCoy of Marietta; H. P.

Michener of Chesterhill; Mrs. Frank Coulson and Miss Effie Gregg of Malta; Dr. and Mrs. A. N.

Kishler of New Lexington, and Att'y Vashti Jones of Zanesville. You can now buy an Aladdin Lamp for only $5.75. The lowest price at which an Alladin was ever -Standard Supply Co. The piano recital by pupils of Mrs. Jerrold Scott, at 4 o'clock Saturday, was most entertaining and instructive.

They were advised how joy music I and help each other in playing, by constructive criticism. They hope to give a recital again in a couple of months, and will work to that end. Refreshments were served. Miss Gretchen Scott celebrated her birthday by carrying in a cake, in a bed of nasturtiums, with five golden candles burning. She then receiving gifts, presented each guest with a gift.

Miss Dorothy Byers received a birthday cake in honor of her birthday, also that day. -XX. Sea our window display for the new chings in Betz. Apples A Year Old Among the apples on display at the fair last week, was a plate of the Whinnery variety, raised by L. M.

Ryan of East Windsor, which he picked in October, 1931. Mr. Ryan has about a bushel of these apples. They were stored in the cellar, and no pains was taken to keep them, more than any other apples. The appearance of the fruit would indicate that they were good for some time yet.

time yet. For a limited time only we are able to furnish you a $12 set of rinse tubs with the Dexter Defender at Supply Co. District W. F. M.

S. Meeting On Saturday of this week, Sept. 24, beginning at 9:30 a. the annual district meeting of the W. F.

M. S. of the Methodist church, Zanesville district, will be held at the Malta M. E. church.

Miss Blanche Wall of Zanesville, district president, will preside. Conference and district officers will speak, and a program of unusual excellence will be given at both morning and afternoon sessions. Miss Ruth Johnson, returned missionary from Malaya, will speak on "Malaya Speaks," at the afternoon session. Noon day luncheon will be served at the church. All interested are cordially invited to attend.

La DONNA Beauty Shoppe Opposite Sandwich Shoppe McConnelsville, Ohio Now Open for Business Give us a call DONNA DOUGAN, Proprietor A son was born Friday to Mrs. Caroline Burns of Triadelphia. Swagger suits, knit or wool, 95, and $9.95, at Kraps Betz'. The condition of Mr. Clarence Smith, near Malta, remains about the same.

Just unloaded another car of Columbia Cement. Always a fresn supply on hand. -Standard Supply Co. Rev. Mr.

Misel of Manchester township, who has not been in good health, underwent a major operation, recently. A Will Inspect Corps Mrs. Anna Schilling the C. D. Gates corps, No.

186, of Marietta, will inspect the Phil H. Sheridan W. R. No. 124, in the near future.

Dress coats in early sale, $16.50, at Kraps Betz'. W. R. C. District Convention The convention of the 15th district of the Women's Relief Corps, will be held Barnesville, Oct.

5. Mrs. Lillie Williams, Welch at, Corps, No. 166, of Dennison, is president of the district. Mrs.

Llewwella McDonald of McConnelsville has been asked to fill the junior vice president's chair at the convention. Rollins hose, full fashioned, chiffon or service, 69c, at Kraps Betz'. M. M. Plays Zanesville H.

S. Saturday M. M. high school will play Zanesville high school, Saturday afternoon at 2:30, on the Mark field, Zanesville. A week from day the local team plays Glouster, at Glouster.

Neelyville Grange Neelyville grange, No. 299, will meet in regular session, Friday evening, Sept. 23. Everyone come prepared to give something on the program in the form of music, reading, stunt, contest or discussion of a current event. Programs for tober meetings in charge of Florence Strong, Rose White and Mae Jett.

Miss Wootton Attends Conclave Miss Evelyn Wootton of Stockport, who entered Monday upon her junior year at Ohio University, Athens, recently returned from 3 very delightful trip. She went to Buffalo, N. to attend Delt Sigma Epsilon conclave, accompanied by two college friends from Marion, O. From there she visited at Nashua, N. Bridgeport, Greenfield, Philadelphia, Boston, and Washington, D.

C. A 1, 2, 3 SALE at The Golden Rule Store Safety Matches, 2 1c Chewing Gum, 2c Cold Pack Jar Rubbers, 3c Coffee, the Golden Rule, it speaks for itself, Stick Candy, 2 1c Tag Soap, 5c bar, 2c; two to a customer. Walter Baker's 5c eating chocolate, Arbuckle's Sugar 30 lbs. for 1-2-3 with a $3 order of groceries Two penny lead pencils Pencil Tablet, 5c .20 Writing Tablet, 5c value, 2 for. We have in stock Heinz' oyster soup, beef broth and pepper hot.

Galvanized bucket; 10 1 to a customer. Peanut butter, 1 9c Toilet Soap, Ige. bar, 3 for. Frankfurters and Bologna, Fri. day and Saturday, We pay 17c for eggs; no pullet eggs at this price.

GEORGE B. Kenney Phone 73-Black It is stated that operators of three mines at Rose Farm have 16- nored terms of the recent peace pact, and the mines at that place are picketed. Mrs. Russell Lawrence of this place who was very ill for a number of weeks, as the result of a rat bite, but who was seemingly on the way to recovery, has not been SO well. Claims Share of Race Money Oliver Gheen has filed action against George Updike, which claims partnership in a horse; and that Updike cheated him out of his half of the money the horse took in a race, at the fair, in the sum of $42.25.

When arraigned before Mayor E. D. Shafer, Updike. pleaded not guilty. Date of trial in the mayor's court is fixed for Monday, Sept.

26. Notables Visit Sanatorium When Hon. David S. Ingalls left the flying field near Malta last Tuesday, following his speech here, he flew over Rocky Glen sanatorium as a salute to the staff and patients of that institution. The patients and staff were also visited the same day by former Governor Myers Y.

Cooper, Hon. Geo. C. Braden, candidate for secretary of state; Lee Palmer, candidate for lieutenant governor, and Congressman C. Ellis Moore.

Each and everyone expressed themselves as being highly pleased with Rocky Glen, and keenly appreciated the opportunity to visit this well known. and splendidly managed institution. Civic Club Meets The initial meeting of the Community Civic club, for the season, was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss Agnez Pyle, with 30 or more ladies present. Guests of the club were Mrs. John R.

Bozman and Mrs. H. V. Edwards. Mrs.

Arthur Hambleton who has been president of the club presided at the meeting, introducing the new president Mrs. C. S. Dye. Outside of the regular order of business, attention was called to the annual conference of the Middle East district of the Ohio federation of women's clubs, to be held at Marietta, Oct.

4-5. In the social hour, delicious refreshments were served. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING WANTED SEVERAL SHOATS and Pigs.ROCKY GLEN SANATORIUM. 15s2 40 WHITE LEGHORN pullets, good ones. State price and when hatched.

-JOHN STONE, Blue O. 22s2 SATURDAY EVENING, somewhere between the Kroger store, and the Mrs. Steffy beauty shop, it wrist watch. Reward to finder.ERMA ROBERTS, McConnelsville, Rt. 1.

Phone 4-M. FOR RENT MY PROPERTY in Malta, near Head and Neff filling station. H. OGLEVEE, Cumberland, 0. FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, with garage.

Inquire at VOGUE HAT SHOPPE, Malta. 2252 MALE HELP WANTED STEADY WORK- GOOD PAY RELIABLE MAN WANTED to call on farmers in west Morgan county. No experience or capital needed. Write today. -McNESS Dept.

Freeport, Illinois. BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS CIDER MAKING every Tuesday at the ELLIOTT COAL YARDS in upper Malta. Will appreciate your patronage. 883 CIDER MADE each Tuesday and Friday at Hilaman place at Roosterville, near Stockport. Give us your -E.

E. HILAMAN. 2292 FOR BALM FRESH COW, with first H. Bristol. AT THE GREGG farm below Maita, old corn, 50c per bushel, at the crib.

1582 WESTERN FIELD 12-gauge pump gun. New condition. Price reasonable. See ROBT. NAYLOR, Malta.

2293 REGISTERED SHROPSHIRE Rams, D. HARRIS SON. Stockport. Telephone Pennsville. 22s2 WINCHESTER Repeating Shot Gun, 12 gauge, full choke, matted rib.

Highest grade model 97. Price D. SHAFER. 15s2 LAWN MOWER in fine shape. Cost when new will sell for COURT HOUSE JANITOR.

I HAVE TWO Superior grain drills for sale. One hoe and one disc. These drills are new and I will sell them at a SCOTT, Stockport, O. 91552 VIOLIN OUTFIT and supplies. At bargain for quick McGRATH, McConnelsville.

Phone 59-Red. 894 FINE WOOL Buck; 48 ewes bred out of 50 last year, with 12 sets of twins. A real bargain as I have RO use for him. ---M. E.

GILBERT. Phone Bristol. REGISTERED Delaine Rams, one and two years old. Price from $5 to $10. Good heavy shearers and large IAMS, Sharon, 0.

Rt. No. 1. 15s3 AN EXCELLENT FLOCK of and light type yearling registered Delaine Merino rams. The quality and price are NEWBURN, Chesterhill, Rt.

1. 853 LOST 20 REGISTERED DELAINE Merino ewes, and 8 rams, 1 year old. 10 ewes and 4 rams, 3 years old. White Wyandotte co*ckerels, Bowden's IMLAY, Blue Rock, 0. 883 FOR SALE OR RENT BUNGALOW on State Route No.

77-about four miles from Malta. -ROY J. NEWMAN. Phone Pennsville. 22s2 DO YOU KNOW MRS.

HOUSEWIFE, that you can obtain the freshest and purest supply of SPICES and FLAVORING EXTRACTS at the DRUG STORE? We have a fresh supply of SPICES, SEEDS and SACCHARIN for pickles. Try our VANILLA EXTRACT. The flavor will not bake out, nor will it freeze out. A trial is sufficient. DO YOU KNOW--That Ed Jenkins of Malta RFD, recommends CENOL SQUILL POWDER.

Mr. Jenkins says: "Tell the farmers of Morgan county that CENOL SQUILL POWDER is the best rat killer I have ever used. It kills rats and mice permission of Mr. Jenkins. DO YOU KNOW--That BISMA-REX, the anti-acid powder, quickly relieves the discomfort of gastric acidity, sour stomach, acid dyspepsia and belching? Safe- -pleasant tasting.

Ask for BISMA-REX. Price 50c, $1.25 DO YOU KNOW--We are agents for the MUSKNGUM LAUNDRY They use the STOD-SOL system of dry cleaning recommended by the National Association of Cleaners and Dyers of America to be the best and safest and most satisfactory in the cleaning of men's and women's garments. Have that dress or that suit of clothes or hat cleaned at a small cost. "It pays to look well." Give us a trial. DO YOU KNOW--You can buy a $1 GEM MICROMATIC RAZOR with FIVE BLADES and a 35c tube of PALM OLIVE OR COLGATE'S SHAVE CREAM, all for 49c A $1.35 VALUE.

COME IN- -THE SUPPLY IS LIMITED DO YOU KNOW- That REXALL ORDERLIES were the original American chocolate flavored laxative containing Phenolphalein? Children like Rexall Orderlies for their candy flavor. Per box-25c, 50c DO YOU KNOW--Hunting Season opened September 15? Don't forget those FIRST AID REMEDIES. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." DO YOU KNOW--A 39c tube of Milk of Magnesia Tooth Paste, a 25c tooth brush, and a 10ctooth brush holder. A real 79c value 39c DO YOU KNOW--You can get a 25c cake of Cashmere Bouquet Soap Free, by buying three cakes of B. O.

Soap. 25c Harris Pharmacy Phone 18 The Malta, Ohio Ronall.

Morgan County Democrat from McConnelsville, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.