Sonic Frontiers Review (Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, Switch & PC) (2024)

Iconiţă a Bonm franchise keeps proving that it's here to stay. Although the gaming company has faced much criticism with games such as Bonm Objè Mondyal, Sonic Boom, ak Bonm Fòs not hitting the mark, Sou entènèt jwèt Sonic Frontiers is seemingly doing it right. I must admit, I was skeptical about the release of another 3D platformer from the IP, but I guess the Sonic Team has been listening to fans' woes and launched a modern and genuinely mesmerizing 3D platformer you will relish.

Pumped with an adrenaline rush, ambition, and excellent platforming, Sou entènèt jwèt Sonic Frontiers goes down in history as one of the most enthralling games in the franchise. After the release of Bonm Fòs in 2017, the IP immediately started curating a new adventure for the hedgehog. True to their word, the speedster is back on the tracks half a decade later. So is this a game worth playing or a substantial flop like its predecessors? Well, there's only one way to find out—join me in this Sou entènèt jwèt Sonic Frontiers revizyon.

Istwa a

Sonic Frontiers - Trelè istwa

If you've played any Sonic game, you know to expect nothing else but Sonic to take the spotlight. Although, unlike other titles, the Sou entènèt jwèt Sonic Frontiers plot is less grandiose and a bit toned down. The story starts with Sonic and his pals, Tails and Amy, with Knuckles showing up a bit later. You'll also cross paths with a new villain named Sage.

The trio set off to investigate a mysterious event that has lured the Chaos Emeralds to the Starfall Islands. Sonic and his team are pulled into a digital dimension known as “Cyber Space” as they are about to jet in. The wormhole is a consequence of Dr. Eggman's actions; he's determined to extract knowledge from the “Spirits of the Ancients.”

With the antagonists and protagonists trapped in the digital space, Dr. Eggman creates a robot, Sage, to help him hunt down Sonic while he searches for the Chaos Emeralds. Simultaneously, Sonic must escape the digital realm to rescue his friends in the Starfall Islands.

Armed with super-sonic speed and quite a determination, Sonic embarks on his quest to save his friends and, of course, heroically stop Dr. Eggman and his troupe of robots. Moreover, you'll also discover the enchanting story behind the “Ancients of the Spirits” and the Titans, who are protectors of the gems.

After accessing the final Chaos Emerald, Sonic will face the final boss, Dr. Eggman, in Titan Form. After a successful takeover, Sonic teams up with Sage to defeat the evil element with guidance from the Spirits of the Ancients. Team Sonic adds emotional depth to the story by having Sage sacrifice herself to save Sonic's team and her creator.


Sonic Frontiers Review (Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, Switch & PC) (1)

Sou entènèt jwèt Sonic Frontiers retains much of its predecessors' gameplay, but with a few upgrades. An impressive feature is that Sonic's quills are now visible; however, he is the only playable character, which is such a bane.

Aside from Sonic's revamped and impressive look, the franchise retains the traditional 3D and 2D levels. As usual, you take control of Sonic and scale the open zone while completing a series of quests. Sonic has new abilities, which include running across walls, exploiting the Cyloop, and combat attacks.

Moreover, Sonic retains his abilities of super-fast speed, grinding on rails, and collecting rings. My favorite trick is using the Cyloop to create a circle of light around your enemies. Anything you catch inside the sphere is ultimately destroyed. Also, you can use this technique to gather rings in one spin.

What's more, the game allows you to customize Sonic's maneuvers. You can upgrade or adjust his speed, acceleration, resistance, and turning from the menu. Many of the upgrades become accessible as you progress in the game.

The most significant downside comes when you run out of rings and can't speed up as much as you want to. However, you can remedy this by upgrading your speed stat as you progress in the game.

The linear levels are also enthralling to explore. Get lost in the vast open zones of the various islands. Although it can get quite frustrating to scale the platformer only to reach the Chaos Emeralds and realize you can't access them. To prevent this, it is best to first locate the vault keys by completing the side quests.

Sonic Brawl

Sonic Frontiers Review (Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, Switch & PC) (2)

As you work your way to find the Chaos Emeralds and your friends, you'll uncover a series of mini-bosses to take down. It is a deserving break from platforming. However, some of these boss fights may feel repetitive. Although I have a personal favorite, Wyvern is the second boss you'll encounter. Using a parrying attack, you can grab the cyborg's tail and fling it from a promontory point. How exciting!

Moreover, there are various moves and combo attacks to use, but over time, you'll find yourself less motivated to engage in the brawls since they seem routine. Also, the fights are unskippable and can be pretty humdrum.

The most exciting part of the brawl is the Cyloop, which lets you create a circle of light and entrap your enemies for a massive death typhoon. Moreover, the ravaging metal soundtrack and orchestral music bring the action to life. I must admit the Cyloop is an intriguing way of using Sonic's speed to knock the snot out of the faceless robots.

Sonic Remastered

Sonic Frontiers Review (Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, Switch & PC) (3)

Undeniably, the quality of materials in the game's environment is top-tier. Everything appears to be unbelievably realistic, from stone to rocks and metal. The impeccable lighting brings all these elements to life for a vast, surreal environment. Sonic Team uses distant shadowing, which lets the details in the islands retain their depth even as you move further away. We can't deny that the impressive environment is attributable to Lejand nan Zelda: Souf nan sovaj la.

What's more, your surroundings are quite responsive. You'll notice footprints as you scale sandy areas and a ripple effect when dashing through water bodies. And lest I forget the visually appealing Cyberspace dimension.

Elements in the world are retained from the Sonic Generations. However, the layouts are different, featuring new designs and stages. However, Sonic Frontiers is available across various platforms (PlayStation 4, 5, every Xbox since Xbox One, PC, and the Nintendo Switch). I recommend using Xbox or PlayStation 5 consoles for a virtually immersive experience.

Sonic Team also does a tremendous job of balancing exploration with platforming. Meaning you can either engage in combat or platform. Outside of battle, you can solve puzzles in the open zone.

Also, Sonic Team went above and beyond to craft an emotional storyline for every character, which adds life to the game. In between quests, you'll get to test friendships. For example, in one instance, the rivalry between Knuckles and Sonic is reignited. In another, you'll experience Tails as more than Sonic's ally.

Vèdik la

Sonic Frontiers Review (Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, Switch & PC) (4)

Sou entènèt jwèt Sonic Frontiers is a captivating and thrilling exploration of another of Sonic's adventures. However, unlike its predecessors, this 3D platformer has improved game mechanics and an enthralling story about friendship. Moreover, the bosses at each level do put up quite the fight, giving you a satisfying sensation after a defeat.

Also, the flat-voice acting in the game does not match up to the franchise's movies. In its latest motion picture, the voicing of the animation characters featured a solid yet fun playthrough. Only Tails delivers the same level of acting in Frontiers as her role in movies.

With combat attacks added to the list of upgrades, Sonic Team has outdone itself by giving fans a game to relish. The game uses an all-you-can-devour buffet approach, giving you a set of new things to try out. From the Cyloop to parrying attacks and a dramatic origin story, Sou entènèt jwèt Sonic Frontiers is the Sonic game fans have been eagerly waiting for. The smart switch between 2D and 3D environments in the open world or digital realm adds to the experimental evolution of the Sonic franchise.

Sadly, the game's repetitive combat with mini-bosses is dull, owing to its repetitive nature. Thanks to its linear gameplay, you have no option but to battle it out with the Titans, and after repetitive episodes, it lacks the triumphant element after a successful fight. Moreover, the weird camera angles during combat make launching attacks against Titans frustrating. Although the game's conclusion does not hint at another title, it is on the right path. We only hope that other games to come will be a significant upgrade.

Ou ka ranmase Sou entènèt jwèt Sonic Frontiers today on steam. For more updates on the game, be sure to follow the official social handleisit la.
Sonic Frontiers Review (Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, Switch & PC) (2024)


Should I play Sonic Frontiers on Switch or PS5? ›

While the PS5 version is able to run at either 1080p at 60FPS or 4K at 30FPS, the Switch version is locked at 720p at 30FPS, whether docked or undocked. The most noticeable difference is with the various environmental textures, with the Switch visuals looking substantially less crisp than its counterpart.

Does Sonic Frontiers run bad on Switch? ›

Only avoid it if graphics are really important to you. It's not going to look as good as it does on other platforms. I completed the game 100% and had a blast. Worst visuals and not always a solid 30fps, play if you have no other option and being portable is not an excuse as Frontiers is worse portable than docked.

Which version of Sonic Frontiers is the best? ›

For the best experience on consoles, you'll want to play on either PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X. They are virtually identical on every front - they use the same visual settings, feature the same modes and resolution options and both look great.

Is Sonic Frontiers DLC free? ›

Sega has released the story DLC for Sonic Frontiers, titled The Final Horizon. Available as a free download, The Final Horizon adds new missions as well as other features.

Is Sonic Frontiers worth it? ›

User Reviews. Easily one of the best 3d sonic games of all time. The controls are tight, the visuals are bright and highly detailed and the soundtrack is incredible. Do not miss this game, there's a reason it's sold millions of copies and way beyond Sega's expectations.

Is Sonic Frontiers a good game for kids? ›

It's great for kids and adults. Sonic Frontiers Is the Breath of Fresh air That the Franchise Needed! The Story is Amazing, gameplay is Smooth, Graphics Are Insane for a sonic the hedgehog game. Its Open-zone Fun.

What is the best way to play Sonic Frontiers? ›

Tips and Tricks
  1. Aim To Unlock The Entire Map Early.
  2. Don't Let The Map Overwhelm You.
  3. Fishing Is The MVP.
  4. Cyloop Circles Everywhere.
  5. Study Your Enemies.
  6. Complete All Level Challenges.
  7. To Be Or Not 2D.
  8. Enjoy The Starfall.
Nov 10, 2022

How long does Sonic Frontiers last? ›

Can their courage change their fate… How long is Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon? When focusing on the main objectives, Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon is about 7½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 20½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What happens if you beat Sonic Frontiers? ›

You've successfully beaten Sonic Frontiers. Enjoy the final cutscene (and both after-credit scenes) and then jump back into the open world to uncover any secrets you missed.

Is Sonic Frontiers difficulty? ›

Sonic Frontiers. The difficulty screen when starting a new game, from Sonic Frontiers. In Sonic Frontiers, when starting a new game, three difficulties are available: Easy, Normal and Hard. The difficulty can be changed between these three modes in Game Settings under Options at any time outside of a cutscene.

Why was Sonic Frontiers so good? ›

Much of the game saw Sonic racing through carefully constructed tracks meant to evoke the 2D platforming levels of old while giving Sonic more room to move freely. Developer Sonic Team very nearly nailed this out the gate; the controls and the graphics are the only bits that really needed to improve.

Is Sonic Frontiers beginner friendly? ›

Guided by a mysterious voice, Sonic attempts to find the Chaos Emeralds to save his friends. This game is certainly beginner and child friendly, although there are some Cutscenes that have dark tones.

Will there be a Sonic Frontiers 2? ›

Image credit: SEGA

Insider Daniel Richtman shared that Sonic Frontiers 2 is in development – a piece of information also corroborated by Midori, a well-known SEGA leaker.

Can I get Sonic Frontiers for free? ›

Sonic Frontiers is out now on the Epic Games Store!

Includes all 3 previously released Content Updates and previously released downloadable content for FREE!

What is better PS5 or Switch? ›

But when Nintendo Switch vs PS5 are compared, the two differ significantly. If you are inclined towards budget-friendly, portable family consoles, you must go for the Nintendo Switch. But, if you like large screens and keeping up-to-date with the latest gaming tech with Sony's upcoming titles, PS5 should be your jam.

Is Sonic Frontiers 60 fps on Switch? ›

Sonic Frontiers to be running 720p and 30 fps - Nintendo Switch.

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